If Joy Reid Isn’t Fired the Left is Simply Using LGBTQ as Weapon To Use Against the Right – IOTW Report

If Joy Reid Isn’t Fired the Left is Simply Using LGBTQ as Weapon To Use Against the Right

The Daily Beast “paused” Joy Reid’s column while they monitor the results of a cyber investigation that’s looking into the veracity of Reid’s claim that she was “set up” to look like she wrote gay slurs on her blog.

“I was hacked,” is the plaintive wail of the desperate and guilty. We all know Reid wrote her blog posts, just as we know Anthony Weiner tweeted his wiener.

Reid’s cyber expert’s claims have fallen apart.

So, what is the left going to do about Reid? If they do nothing, and MSNBC continues to employ her, they lose all their “warriors for the LGBTQ community” credibility.

If they say those disgusting blog posts were a thing of the past, that Reid is now a champion for LGBTQ, then that standard must be applied to everyone. Anything I’ve said in the past that is unearthed ahead of my gubernatorial campaign is moot. “That’s not me anymore.”

Pfffft, forget my gubernatorial campaign, it applies to anything and everything. What I said yesterday ain’t me. What I said an hour ago “ain’t me.”

This post “ain’t me.”

Reid needs to be fired. If she isn’t fired it becomes clear that the left simply patronizes LGBTQ and uses them for leverage to go after the right. It’s just a tool in their political arsenal, nothing more. And once you understand that, the LGBTQ community becomes marginalized by the very people that claim they are their advocates.


“I have not been exempt from being dumb or cruel or hurtful to the very people I want to advocate for. I own that. I get it. And for that I am truly, truly sorry,” she said.

The move also appeared to be an attempt by MSNBC to shift the conversation away from the hacking claims toward a conversation about evolution of personal beliefs.

Reid hosted a panel with LGBTQ advocates to discuss the challenges the community still face and why homophobic language is problematic. She dedicated much of her show to discussions around the topic and other forms of discrimination.’

Reid is a pile of $hit.

But don’t judge me, I’ve “evolved” from the sentence preceding this one, and my “personal beliefs” are very different from a minute ago.



15 Comments on If Joy Reid Isn’t Fired the Left is Simply Using LGBTQ as Weapon To Use Against the Right

  1. But didn’t her lawyer and her take her lie about so-called hacking to the FBI to investigate? There’s a couple of crimes involved and she should be prosecuted for those.

  2. The left thinks ā€œIā€™m sorry ā€œ should exonerate them, but conservatives can never … evolve. Everyone at MSNBC should be painted with the blanket brush they try to paint those they dislike with.

  3. It is so clear that the left uses causes as tools for control and that they have no care for human life. Look at the English baby, the NHS used police to enforce his death rather than pay to try to extend his life. Look at the hundreds of Palestinians killed by other Arabs, none of which make the news unless it is at the hands of Israelis. Look at black on black crime. Look at murder by jihadists, rape by muslims. On and on and on. I could easily cite dozens more.

  4. Only white supremacist, patriarchal, isolationist, LGBTQs have a problem with Joy Reid. And how many of those are there?

    Well, sure, that’s what we said. But how many of them watch MSNBC?

    Alrighty, then.

  5. Look how long Robert KKK Byrd served in Congress, and the left ignored his sordid past. Joy Reid will keep her job, and her excuses, no matter how absurd, will be accepted without question. “That’s old news”, as Hillary used to say.

  6. If the repubics weren’t such limp wristed fags like Kristol and Erikson, this broad would never be able to face one of them again on tv. An amateur could destroy and neutralize her in 30 seconds. She would be unable to make a point after that. But the pubics that go on those shows get paid to be punching bags and to look stupid. She is a hate monger and homophobe. You dont do a 180 on that as an adult at her age, in less then 7 years, and become a champion for them. Dont happen. She hates gays.

  7. So here we are talking about what kind of “speech” is hate speech, why? The 1st allows us to pretty much to say anything we want, all of us. Like it or hate it.
    The left has tried to make the rules about what is right and what is wrong, let them live by them, and eat their own.
    We need to keep pushing back and make them live by their own rules, they will not like it, but too bad for them.
    Let the lefties fire her, not us, but when one of us speaks our mind and the truth, defend them no matter the cost.
    It’s their rules not ours.
    I have never said that I am sorry for one damn thing that P.Trump has said, and I don’t want him to either.
    Mr.Hat, soon they will run out of groups to use, the blacks are starting to turn to our side. Just wait things are changing.

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