If Kamala Was Smart, She’d Avoid the Debate – IOTW Report

If Kamala Was Smart, She’d Avoid the Debate

Kurt Schlichter in Town Hall

Kamala has already blown off the proposed September 4th debate and the proposed third debate, too. She’s got one debate on calendar, and I don’t think she will show up. We’ll get some excuse about how Donald Trump is a convicted felon of felonies and how it’s inappropriate for her to dignify him by standing on a stage with him and blah blah blah blah blah. The regime media will bark and clap like trained seals. 

But if the debate does go forward, I think Kamala is going to look like an idiot – particularly if Donald Trump does the smart thing, like he did with Joe Biden, and just let her run her fool mouth. More

11 Comments on If Kamala Was Smart, She’d Avoid the Debate

  1. At the Trump45-Harris debate….

    After Harris’s first word salad….
    Trump45 says “Deja vue….I really don’t know what she said – and I don’t think she does either….”

  2. Nope. She knows if she shows up she will be without the media covering her so she doesn’t have to say anything substantive. She’s a phony and a coward. No way she shows and the media will make excuses for her.

  3. At this point, I’m wondering if they’ll even be an election.
    They probably have a planned crisis, so huge they can’t possibly allow elections to happen.
    And as an added benefit, they’ll instantly magically blame it on white Supreme type MAGA.
    It’s time to put some security on all sub power stations. Those things are not fixable easily. There are no parts to spare. Just spitballing here, I don’t know? Have back up power.


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