“If Kyle Rittenhouse Was Black He’d Never Be Found Not Guilty of Killing Two White People!!!” – The Left – IOTW Report

“If Kyle Rittenhouse Was Black He’d Never Be Found Not Guilty of Killing Two White People!!!” – The Left

To that, we say—>

ht/ c. steven tucker

16 Comments on “If Kyle Rittenhouse Was Black He’d Never Be Found Not Guilty of Killing Two White People!!!” – The Left

  1. We’re well beyond double standards now. White vs black. Conservative vs Democrat socialist as. Citizen vs illegal alien. Cops vs robbers and murderers. Taxpayers vs tax recipients.

    The list keeps growing.

    Hard working law abiding American citizens are the enemy of the state. If you are a white male in the above category just forget about justice.

    Fortunately Rittenhouse broke that mold somewhat and drool bucket Joe is pissed about that.

  2. Someone should point out to those racial grievance peddlers out there that the only “attacker” that got away clean was the black guy that stomped on Kyle’s face. Naturally he was a career criminal like all the rest but the only reason he was not identified, interviewed or tried was because of his race, the DA wanted to keep him anonymous.

  3. A bunch of people cleaned out Louis Vitton and Nordstrom yesterday in SF. All but two of the 80 (or so) people who made off with stuff were apprehended. Guess which minority was over-represented among the theives?

    (We stayed at a hotel last weekend for a couple nights. We hadn’t seen cable tee vee in a veery long time. If commercials really represent the demographics of the U.S., whites only make up about 20% of the population. Plus white people are all morons, according to every business who advertises on the tee vee.)

  4. Black On Black Crime: OK
    Black On White Crime: OK
    Black On Asian Crime: OK
    White On Black Crime: Bad
    White On White Crime: Bad
    Welcome to the knee-slapping, rib-tickling, upside down, world of loopy, looney, fucked up Fractured Fairy tales of the Left and their complicit, bought & paid for, knee-pad Media!

  5. The “Low Information” folks all believe Rittenhouse killed 2.5 black persons due to poorly (intentionally?) worded MSM reports. If these LI folks had been taught to actually read………….

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