If Not Destroying On Purpose, the Left Has ZERO Foresight – IOTW Report

If Not Destroying On Purpose, the Left Has ZERO Foresight

7 Comments on If Not Destroying On Purpose, the Left Has ZERO Foresight

  1. “Refugees”
    They’re a cover, an excuse and a tool to loot the Treasury, cause mayhem, murder, rape and chaos for the National Socialist Party to destroy the nation with. They always put up a good sounding name for their cause which is always the exact 180 degree opposite of their real intentions. We’re only fooling ourselves if we think the Left has no forsight. It’s the Useful Idiots that have no foresight. Make no mistake about it, the powers that be in the Left know exactly what they’re doing!

  2. But but but they’re good people. They just want peace! RIGHT! They are here to change you and have no intentions to assimilate. Useful idiots! Get a clue!

  3. Leftist seem to live in the moment devoid of any rational thought. Lack of foresight is a characteristic of children – and the immature or intellectually challenged. Also, many leftists are simply followers and lack the ability to think for themselves.


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