If Obama Had a Son… – IOTW Report

If Obama Had a Son…


“What’s interesting is that the former chief-of-staff of Michelle Obama called the state’s attorney about the case, saying the (Smollett) family was concerned. Shortly after, the state’s attorney recused herself and now the charges are dropped and the court has sealed the record.”



ht/ hot salsa

20 Comments on If Obama Had a Son…

  1. Remember folks, the biggest rush of satisfaction Diabolical Narcissists experience is from the getting away with it. They act out publicly, egregiously, and then wallow and luxuriate in the sense of power and domination they feel when no one does a damn thing, and their victims even defend or cover for the DN’s abusive or even criminal behavior. They STUDY the hopelessness and effeminate impotence of their victims, too cowed by the DN to confront him (or her).

    Ann Barnhardt

    Ann nails it. Her words apply here, in spades.

  2. CPD released the entire case file today in response to a FOIA request before judge could seal it. Its all out in the open now. He’s related to horizontal Harris. These people are stoooopid. He’s probably shared the same bed with Barry. The case file is 8 inches of paperwork.

  3. It was all about passing that “anti-lynching” bill. Booker and Harris and other high-up Democrat-Communists worked hand-in-glove with Smollett through their overlords in Communist International.

  4. “Educated guess: this hoax implicated someone very important who had pull with the State’s Attorney, and who very badly did not want to be implicated.”

    What has Robert Creamer been doing since O’Keefe busted him in 2016? Isn’t his wife Jan Schakowsky, (D) Illinois 9?

    Although I wonder if Jussie’s passport might show him to be inTahiti in early 2017, maybe as one of the guests on David Geffen’s yacht

  5. If obama has a son, hopefully it’d have been killed immediately after it was born. (That is the leftist abortion fashion, isn’t it?)

    If the son lived and grew up, it’s be trayon martin, or the like. Smolett is too high-end. (Remember: Fat Mike would have been the mother.)

  6. Gee Ward, last night you were so harsh on the beaver,,
    Sorry June,,,
    I’m not Ward.

    Gee Wally, he left out the famous quotes from Clinton and Obama.

    Yeah, well, Beave, thankfully “Suck my dick” and “Can I suck yer dick” didn’t make the cut like Jessie has!

  7. Comey decided that no reasonable prosecutor would press charges. He’s good at that, you know. I think Obammy was pressing against him at the time and he was getting a charge of his own!

  8. @ brown eyed girl – Ya NAILED it.

    “How can, if…not to begin with!?”

    IF, then, he could be his son?

    Actor, Fool, Fake, Phony, Fraud, Black…oh and gay.

  9. Yep … sorta figure Obola’s boy would be a giant turd … that’s what butt-babies are!

    So who poked Obola’s poop-shooter to make it?
    Frank M. Davis?
    His Granddad?
    The Wino behind the Dumpster?
    Angela Merkel?
    The Guy with 25 cents at the Truck-Stop Men’s Room?

    Questions, questions, questions!

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. The fact this dude is the top story now simply pushes Mueller off to the side. This was Barry’s signature move when he was potus, it obscured the truth. God damn Obama, him and him are the gift from hell that keeps on giving.

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