If Rose McGowan Was Auditioning For the Part of the Cold Blooded Assassin, She’s Got the Part – IOTW Report

If Rose McGowan Was Auditioning For the Part of the Cold Blooded Assassin, She’s Got the Part

HT/ Christian PDX

13 Comments on If Rose McGowan Was Auditioning For the Part of the Cold Blooded Assassin, She’s Got the Part

  1. It’s “cat time” here in the PNW, meaning it’s somewhere between 2:30 and 4:30 a.m. And I’ve toggled between IOTWReport and a couple other sites in the past hour or so and I still don’t know how to comment on this story. I’m trying to figure out who the actors are and if or why I should care about them and their relationship. This isn’t in the vein of “Rose who?” at all. I just don’t know what to make of it. And that started me thinking…

    Has anyone else realized what has happened in this country in the past year? Or put more directly, have you begun to notice how all the static noise of the obama years is fading into the background and allowing for stark relief of the real problems and challenges we have? For some reason it’s as though the manufactured fog of that man’s reign has cleared the room. For eight solid years, day after day after day, we were in crisis mode. Each day’s headlines shrieked a new disaster — so many of them have seared their way into our brains: Fast and Furious, IRS, Clinton Email, GSA (and the picture of the hot tub), Benghazi, bloody hand prints all over the place. Every day brought fresh kill and worry and that queasy unsettled-ness.

    Then, as if by some unearned mercy, the torture concluded. It made one feel, in many ways, like those Americans held as prisoners of war in Japan. One morning you came out into the compound, prepared as best you could for the day’s beatings, but word spread that the guards had left in the night. Unthinkable. You always knew American soldiers and flyers would come to the rescue, but until that very moment you realize you didn’t know for sure. And then the relief.

    I don’t know who Rose is. And for the first time in a long, long time, I’m glad I don’t have to care who she is.

    I’m not sure how POTUS Trump did it, but through his leadership, through the sheer force of his nature, he came to our house like Mary Poppins with her bottomless bag of solutions and unquestionable common sense and set about tidying up. He swept the corners of this room of its noisiness and chaos and replaced the broken table legs and lamp fixtures. Spit spot.

  2. McGowan was famous for about 5 minutes in the late 90s for some forgettable movie and dating “Marilyn Manson”. Her “leadership” here seems like a desperate attempt to be relevant again.

  3. AA – very perceptive post. I agree. However, if you’re a leftie right now, I imagine you’re feeling much like we did during the Obama years, as the MSM works you up into a frenzy of Russia, Russia, Russia. LOL. Their turn.

    What appalls me the most is the sheer viciousness of the Trump haters online. I can’t imagine having that much hate inside.

  4. @AbigailAdams- I wholly agree, twin-separated-at-birth. I don’t know and don’t care who professional victim Rose is or anyone else being lauded for not standing up for themselves and doing something about “sexual abuse” (which in some cases was a tap on the shoulder) when it happened. Even if they didn’t go to the police they should have told EVERYONE they knew as a warning not to go near the guy as I did and the women I knew who were inappropriately hit on as the first wave of women entered professional business ranks. They especially should have told off the guy they didn’t want “abusing” them. Some men ARE predators but some are just jerks. Some women are predators (after another currency) and some women are jerks, too.

    The left wants everyone infantile, helpless, dependent and subject to oversight of elite via millions of laws that govern everything from thoughts to eye rolling. A throw back to the serfdom and royal courts that re-appeared as communism and now as “progressive socialism”.

    To your point about background noise, I realized about a month ago that I am no longer stressing every day about the direction of the country. Trump is setting us back on the Constitutional track where there’s very little grey. Anyone with morality, common sense and self reliance knows what is legal and illegal – or should.

    When I hear something Trump is proposing that I don’t agree with, I’ve learned it’s usually fake news. If I hear it from him – DACA for instance – I wait to hear all the details because I know Trump’s a patriot but not a naive country bumpkin. He can’t be played.

    Trump’s got this.

  5. Think about this stupid symbol # for a minute.

    Hash-tag, wtf? is a hash-tag, is that like a tag on a plate of corned beef hash? Maybe it’s a tag on a hot-knife used for smoking hash?

    When I was a kid the # was known as a number or pound sign.


    #MeToo = PoundMeToo

  6. AA – – It makes one believe in Divine Intervention, which of course it is. The Trump election was the watershed event that is separating the wheat from the chaff.

  7. @AA and @riverlife_callie, so true and well said. I have thought for some time that the daily beatdowns of the Obama years have started to heal us patriots. God answered our prayers and brought us a man who is listening to Him and is starting to return our country to it’s founding belief in God, freedom and the dignity of man.

    Sometime it feels as if we take 2 or 3 steps forward, then the tentacles of hate try to draw us back down. The left has been so successful for so long, that it will take time and effort by all of us to keep strong and never give up.

    What you said, riverlife, “if you’re a leftie right now, I imagine you’re feeling much like we did during the Obama years, as the MSM works you up into a frenzy” is so true. My sister has a friend who called her last week in a panic. She was sobbing and ranting and in such a state that my sister feared for her friend’s life. As they talked, my sister told her something that I think we all need to hear = the media wants you to feel this way. This is being done on purpose. The left does not care about you except as a way to get back their power. To do that, they are making you so miserable that you would be willing to do just about anything to stop.

    Then she told her that the information she hears is all from one side – those who want you miserable. Half of what you hear are lies and the other half are more lies to prop up the other half they are trying to make you believe.

    I’m not going to tell you the specifics they talked about, but as my sister told her the truth of the things she brought up, she began to calm down. I don’t think she will be converted, but she just may live to see the truth for herself someday.

    The difference between our response to the 8 years of Obama and this first year of Trump is quite telling. We had gut wrenching anger, sometimes paralyzing fear, often hopeless despair and terrible resolve. But through it all, we maintained our humanity; we accepted reality even though we rebelled at times.

    What is it that we have that the left doesn’t? Hope, faith and love. I know that every patriot is not a Christian and every leftist is not a heathen, but the founding of this country was based on Christian principles. We have something beyond ourselves we believe in; we have something that stabilizes us in times of tribulation. What we hang onto is hope, faith and love – in God, family, friends, honor, duty, ethics based on right and wrong, beauty, the joy of hard work, the satisfaction of giving, and the knowledge of reality.

    As much as I hate the evil in this world, I’m fortunate to see the good. I will choose the good.

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