“If someone wants to be a lazy, good-for-nothing mouth-breather who takes credit for another person’s stuff, then why not become a Leftist?” – IOTW Report

“If someone wants to be a lazy, good-for-nothing mouth-breather who takes credit for another person’s stuff, then why not become a Leftist?”

They say misery loves company. They are wrong.

This pisses me off as much as when this happens to me. The only thing that gives me a measure of comfort is that Dianny’s rant takes the heat off me for a change. We’re tag-teaming it. It’s her turn.

If you want to see the rant – go HERE, but trust us when we say that 99.999% of all of you are completely innocent bystanders. This would be a case of gawking at us while we rage, calm down and then carry on.

22 Comments on “If someone wants to be a lazy, good-for-nothing mouth-breather who takes credit for another person’s stuff, then why not become a Leftist?”

  1. The thing that kills me is that they obviously suck at photoshop, hence the butchery of taking out your logo. It has to be a pain in the ass for them to scrub your tag off.
    Anyone this horrible at Photoshop can’t love the program, or using it, can they?

    So, WHY?????????

    All this effort just to dissuade creators, the good ones, from continuing to create. They couldn’t do a better job of ratfucking our side if they were indeed, lefties.


  2. Davy
    No, Pookie didn’t do it. And he replaced it because I asked him to. Pookie is like the cartoon & meme version of Drudge. He doesn’t create the images, he is merely an image aggregator site. I don’t blame him in the least. He collects images from around the interwebs and then posts them.

  3. A few years ago I wrote my first dissertation and wanted to liven it up a little by adding some cartoon content (not political but religious humor). I could have just copied it from the public domain and made it mine but I chose to do the work to figure out and then contact the artist directly and arrange for a little compensation for using it.

    It felt right and we need to respect others’ intellectual property as much as we can – I once had a boss who didn’t have an original idea, he would sit in the break room and listen, glean, and serve up the gems at the next all staffer to get the suck-ups. He was never trusted or respected and eventually was set up to take a fall for a horrible idea that sounded good but had already tested as flawed. He never checked and sucked it out the door.

  4. I guess they have never heard of creative copyright? What iOS yours remains yours whether they modify it a bit or not.
    My own opinion is if you don’t rant on occasion about something, you are sick or dead!

  5. I remember the slime balls that Fur outs and never give them any traffic. There is one specific guy on Twitter that I will never click or retweet anything with his name on it. It was one time (out of many) that Fur confronted him and he made it seem like it was Fur’s fault.

    That’s just like a lefty.

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