If Stormy Is A Hero, God Help Us – IOTW Report

If Stormy Is A Hero, God Help Us

Daily Caller:

[…] Here’s a question: Why, in 1998, was the Lewinsky/Clinton affair so embarrassing and life-altering for Monica, but there seems to be no sense of embarrassment whatsoever for Daniels following her alleged affair with President Trump?

It’s doubtful she’ll have to move out of the country or even have a difficult time finding a job. On the contrary, she’s actually being praised.

Is the embarrassment gone because the lines between right and wrong have become so blurred and our country’s moral compass has been twisted into a pretzel?

On a larger scale culturally, it can’t be denied that we’re existing in a world of flexible morality, largely determined by our comfort level where right and wrong are interchangeable.  more here

16 Comments on If Stormy Is A Hero, God Help Us

  1. She may have had an affair with Donald Trump. This supposedly ocurred in 2006. This is now 2018 and our Great President Donald Trump was NOT the president in 2006; thus she did NOT have an affair with President Trump, due to that thing called ‘time’.

  2. Daniels has become the Left’s ‘figurehead’ on their listing ship.

    Sink it now? Or save the effort of doing so and move on to a better target? The USSR MEDIA.


  3. Ain’t gona stop till we are grunting
    and pulling our pants down and crapping
    and pissing in front of everyone like animals,
    which God love them but they have no SHAME!

  4. Porny Daniels is a prostitute. nothing more, nothing less … she will take anything, snake anything, fake anything for a buck (much like all the presstitutes) … emphasis on anything

    they’re all skanks ho’s … all of them

    (btw, earlier I had to click on ‘Name’ to get my nick to ‘autofill’; now I have to re-enter it every time … oh! the agony!)

  5. That $130k might be the most cash she’s ever seen in her life.

    Pole dancing is more $1s than $5s once you’re the wrong side of 39.

    I notice her waist is as thick as her hips. Dead eyes.

    Nah, I don’t think Trump the competitive germaphobe ever did her, even once.

    More germs in there than a Starbucks restroom.

  6. She did not have an affair. An affair is a series of encounters romantic and planned, with champagne and love notes etc. Grace Kelly had affairs, Deborah Kerr had affairs, Lauren Bacall had affairs.

    Skanks don’t have affairs. Stormy Daniels is a skank.

    She had a one-night-stand, a hookup, a shag, a boink, a roll in the hay, a f@#k, one dance wango tango or whatever you want to call it but it was not an “affair”

    She wishes it was an affair. That’s why she wants to talk about it, which she took a bunch of money not to do. She’s a lying, ungrateful skank.

  7. It’s all about the money, this used up porn whore has been booked in as many small sleezy strip joints like Sauget, Illinois selling tickets for $50 bucks ahead just to see a middle aged, fat, porn whore.

    Maybe they’re reliving the times when they lived in Mom’s basement watching VHS tapes.

    Ya think they got their $50 dollars worth? Fools. They should sue.

    She’s more than quadrupled the $130,000 alleged in the agreement.

  8. What is wrong with you people? If you can’t believe a paid, politically motivated actual real life whore, who can you believe?

  9. “…seems to be no sense of embarrassment whatsoever for Daniels …?”
    It’s because Daniels IS an actual whore. There is proof. I’ve seen the tape. She’s nasty.

  10. @Blue Toof
    Whores are animals. After 6 hours of watching those disgusting Stormy movies, I couldn’t stand it anymore. I had to spend the next 30 mins in the bathroom.

  11. Daniels is a tool of the forces of totalitarianism.
    She will be discarded like a used condom as soon as she fulfills their purpose.
    If she can make a few bucks in the bargain, that’s OK for her, cuz she probably senses (as some bacteria can sense ultraviolet light, for instance) that she’s 100% expendable.

    izlamo delenda est …


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