I Hinted at Some Good News Yesterday… – IOTW Report

I Hinted at Some Good News Yesterday…

If the Conservasphere Had an MVP Award it Would Go To …

There’s a singular writer this year who probably broke more stories than the #2 and #3 story breakers combined. Here are just a few:

– Socialist group demands $20-an-hour minimum wage, yet offers positions with less pay – Daily Caller

– University of WI says the statement “everyone can succeed” is a microaggression – The Blaze

– College professor says that whites are still complicit in slavery – Washington Times

– Chick-fil-A called a “microaggression” by students at Johns Hopkins – Breitbart

– College apologizes for serving Mexican food during “intergalactic” night – Hot Air

– Professor says that if you understand economics, you’re more likely to be a bad person – Rush Limbaugh

– Loretta Lynch claims that voter ID laws are racist – Glenn Beck

The Navy is teaching about male privilege – American Mirror

That writer is Aurelius… of iOTWreport.com.

That’s right, Aurelius will now call iOTWreport home, and we didn’t even have to give up two young prospects, and a blogger to be named later, to get him. He came to us with an offer we couldn’t refuse, and we couldn’t be more thrilled. It really is an honor to have him onboard. (We’re all going to have to step up our writing game, even in the comments!)

With this addition, iOTWreport strengthens its vision.

91 Comments on I Hinted at Some Good News Yesterday…

  1. I get that you’ve added Aurelius and not Caligula and I’m good with that, truly,
    but might you still consider adding those centerfolds?
    Kinda like a home for displaced women. Wayward girls.

  2. I did not go to college so I have no idea who this is. BUT
    I’m going to take night writing classes so I can write better in the comments.
    They will teach me when to use there they’re and their.
    And other things I should have learned in high school but I couldn’t see
    The need.

  3. Hoc sibi vult hoc avia loqui non possunt anymore trashy?

    Si sic, tunc: amo, amas, amant, amamus, amantis

    grata Aurelius

    Since I’m a good RC girl, I must confess, the only Latin I remember from 50+ years ago is the love stuff above.

  4. Google translate is purty crappy. He wants to be a grandmother can not speak anymore trashy?

    If it be so, then it: I love, you love, you love each other, we love, lover,

    Aurelius welcome

    This is not what I wrote to have translated to Latin. I made no suggestion that you want to be a grandmother. 🙂

  5. It’s the same name no matter how you spell it.

    If Sylvia Poggiole happened to be in Split she would say “Dobrodošli Aurelija!” and all the guys here would only notice her sexy voice.

  6. Welcome good Cesar Marcus.
    Sorry for being late to your party.
    Spent the day at the doctors, the only thing I felt like reading when getting home was written on the bottom of a Wild Turkey bottle.
    Consaluto, praebibo

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