If the Election Were Held Tomorrow (and if it were legit) – IOTW Report

If the Election Were Held Tomorrow (and if it were legit)

According to state-by-state polling–

14 Comments on If the Election Were Held Tomorrow (and if it were legit)

  1. I don’t know how November will play out. Hell, I don’t know that some ‘disaster’ won’t happen before November that changes one or both of the nominees.
    What I do know is that the moment they try to shut down vote counting, the moment they start moving stuff around in the dark, there is going to be a lot of pointing and yelling.
    November 6 (day after election day) is guaranteed going to be LIT. No matter who appears to have won.

  2. Cmn¢¢guy SUNDAY, 3 MARCH 2024, 16:29 AT 4:29 PM
    So will the 20 MILLION Newcomers, illegal immigrants, undocumented democrats, tip the scale?”
    Interest free home loans in Pukafornia. Top that.

    They did not poll GWB’s Canucks! For this too poor to take out wallet and pay attention

    Canucks are DOMINION

    I give 5:1 odds Dominion carries pink G for Jo!

    As they have before!

    GWB learned his role model was absolutely right!
    “… its who counts the vote that counts!”!!?$%*?!@#$!?

    Bush – GW – may be a degenerate but NOT DUMB!

  4. We don’t yet know the depths of depravity that liberals-socialists-democrats will go to keep Trump out of the WH, but we’ve had enough evidence to predict they’ll go very low.

    They are craven enough to claim that Trump will destroy “democracy”, but they are the ones all gung-ho about taking our God-given rights, and they are the ones who want to create “rights” that neither God nor any normal human being with a respect for life would support.

    The Demoncrat Party is the party of destruction and evil.

  5. Demoncrats have no use for God Given Rights because the majority of them don’t believe in God to begin with.

    They swallowed Darwinism, Marxism, and Freudism – hook, line, and sinker.

  6. The coming election will NOT be legitimate. That’s one of the very few things that we can be certain of. The actual question is can the left create enough fake votes to overcome Trump’s popularity. They did it in 2020. No reason to believe they can’t repeat the crime successfully this time.


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