If the Left Was a Hollywood Computer They Should Be Shaking and Exploding Into Flames – IOTW Report

If the Left Was a Hollywood Computer They Should Be Shaking and Exploding Into Flames

Does not compute! Does Not Compute! Blammmmmm!!!

Fortunately the left doesn’t operate on logic and often they talk out of both sides of their anus.

Here’s an example from Dan Greenfield of FrontPage

In 2011, a study claimed that losing weight could help save the planet from the Flying Global Warming Monster.

Researchers at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine found that overweight people were likely to be more responsible for carbon emissions than slim people because they consume more food and fuel.

But no wait. Apparently losing weight does cause Global Warming.

Despite a worldwide obsession with diets and fitness regimes, many health professionals cannot correctly answer the question of where body fat goes when people lose weight, a new study shows. The most common misconception among doctors, dieticians and personal trainers is that the missing mass has been converted into energy or heat. The correct answer is that most of the mass is breathed out as carbon dioxide and goes into thin air.


This is how the left box themselves in with asinine dogma. When you live by crapola you die by crapola.


ht/ finai

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