If the Two Political Parties Were Sports Teams – IOTW Report

If the Two Political Parties Were Sports Teams

ReasonTV takes a hilarious swipe at both major political parties in The United States with these imagined post-game press briefings. While the digs and jabs are funny on their own accord, it also gives insight into the sense of futility libertarians must feel every election cycle. Part 1 and Part 2

12 Comments on If the Two Political Parties Were Sports Teams

  1. They might as well be. That’s how they’ve been acting for years now. Play hard in the arena and then go out for beers after the game. UniParty… More like intramural sports…

  2. If the two parties were 2 sports teams the democraps would be the 62 NY Mets at 40 and 122. They suck that bad. And the weenie Repubicans would be last years Oakland A’s at 50 and 112, not quite as bad but they still stink. Both parties suck with the democraps sucking worse and the Repubicans trying their best to be worse than the democraps.

  3. The problem is, just about every democrat thinks politics is like a sporting event. Except rooting for your familiar but bad team in sports is charming. In politics is the roots of genocide.

  4. @ MrLiberty Friday, 29 March 2024, 23:24 at 11:24 pm,
    Every election cycle I see a libertarian party and at least a green party… So how about four? or were you “speaking” VIABLE parties…


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