‘If there is risk, there must be choice’: Dr. Robert Malone stirs Defeat Mandates rally in DC – IOTW Report

‘If there is risk, there must be choice’: Dr. Robert Malone stirs Defeat Mandates rally in DC

Just The News: Protesters opposed to COVID-19 vaccine mandates marched on Washington, D.C. on Sunday, embarking on a mile-long march before convening at a rally outside the Lincoln Memorial.

Organizers with Children’s Health Defense predicted 20,000 people would attend the event, Defeat the Mandates.

Speakers included Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., virologist and immunologist Dr. Robert Malone, investigative journalist Lara Logan, and doctors and other experts.

While addressing the crowd on Sunday afternoon, Kennedy described adverse medical events among people who took the jab. Kennedy noted that one vaccine manufacturer, Pfizer, has said it wants to keep research data sealed for 55 years.

“We want it now,” Kennedy said.

“Regarding the genetic COVID vaccines, the science is settled: They’re not working,” asserted Malone, a pioneer of mRNA vaccine technology who has emerged as a leading COVID vaccine skeptic. more

4 Comments on ‘If there is risk, there must be choice’: Dr. Robert Malone stirs Defeat Mandates rally in DC

  1. As I mentioned elsewhere, Tony “The Worm” Fauci will be able to build a short wall this week with all the bricks he must have been shitting today. His #1 fear is the truth being revealed.


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