If there’s no war on Christianity, why do dem senators openly express anti-Christian bigotry during judicial confirmation hearings? – IOTW Report

If there’s no war on Christianity, why do dem senators openly express anti-Christian bigotry during judicial confirmation hearings?

Red State:

When Amy Coney Barrett was being grilled by Dianne Feinstein at what was supposed to be a confirmation hearing but looked more like an atheist auto-da-fé, there was this remarkable exchange.

When you read your speeches, the conclusion one draws is that the dogma lives loudly within you. And that’s of concern when you come to big issues that large numbers of people have fought for for years in this country.

Here’s Hawaii’s Mazie (Mazie, srsly??) Hirono:

I think your article is very plain in your perspective about the role of religion for judges, and particularly with regard to Catholic judges.

Dick Durbin:

“Do you consider yourself an orthodox Catholic?”

Given that Durbin is allegedly Catholic himself, he seems to be asking if she actually believes any of that mumbo-jumbo.

It shows that there is no social stigma associated with religious bigotry and there is no one in the US Senate who dares file an ethics complaint to protest a facially unconstitutional question and that, my friends, shows the extent of the danger.


13 Comments on If there’s no war on Christianity, why do dem senators openly express anti-Christian bigotry during judicial confirmation hearings?

  1. We all know that the God of Christians was the one denounced and eradicated from the Demoncrat platform, right?

    There is a holy war being fought in this country. One has to first believe in God in order to denounce Him. Ugly, evil, foolish people, the D’s.

  2. Socialism demands atheism. They demand you submit to man over God. That’s the main reason it always devolves into an absolute nightmare. That’s obvious to most of us.

  3. Remedial reading: Constitution of the United States, Article VI, Section 3 (oaths of office):

    3: The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.

  4. 18 official years as a RC. 4 years (unmolested) as an altar boy. 12 years grade-high + 2 years undergrad in RC schools. Considered the seminary for 2 years.

    Never did care much for crucifixes.

    Still don’t.

  5. @cato:

    “Yet, so called Christians continue to vote for the Socialist, Godless, anti-American Democrat Party.”

    That all depends on who you want to so-call a “Christian.”

    Blood was spilled to save us.

    Blood will be spilled to save us once more.

  6. Does it have to be a Senator to raise a complaint regarding the actions of these three amigos? I thought it was any US citizen who could raise an ethics complaint. Reading Uncle Als comment it seems like a slam dunk. To be sure whatever punishment that may be meted out would be minor in nature and may not even be reported.


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