If they can mock Trump, we can mock Maxine – IOTW Report

If they can mock Trump, we can mock Maxine

I can’t stand looking at Maxine Waters because to me, she looks like a carp in glasses.


PatriotRetort: Sure, you can mock the President of the United States.

You can mock his skin color, his hair, his hands.

But mock the oh-so mock-worthy Maxine Waters and you’re a racist.

The same held true for Barack or Michelle Obama.

Sure, you can call Melania Trump a hooker, but heaven forbid you call Michelle a tranny.

I spent years mocking the Obamas. And, likewise, spent years having thin-skinned Leftists accuse me of being racist.

They never really have a good comeback to mockery. It leaves them sputtering and enraged.

Which, come to think of it, is the goal.

Yesterday, Bill O’Reilly became the latest Klansman when he referred to Maxine Waters’ wig as looking like James Brown hair.

Oh, the hue and cry!


It was a “racist attack!”

Why? Don’t ask me.

People have been making fun of Donald Trump’s hair for years.

They called him “Captain Comb Over.”

They claim he wears a toupee, despite the fact that he has repeatedly shown that his hair is, well, his hair.

Even Hillary Clinton made fun of Trump’s hair.

Suddenly making fun of someone’s hair is racist?

Personally, I don’t think Maxine has James Brown hair.

Though, I do think she wears a wig… [see the pictorial of mockable hair choices 😆 ]


33 Comments on If they can mock Trump, we can mock Maxine

  1. Dear Dianny,

    You have attempted the impossible, and paid the price. Failure. All of your renditions of Maxine still look much better than the actual Maxine. I know of no creature that stand on two legs uglier than Maxine Waters. Your failure is not your fault. Maxine has just set the bar way to high.

  2. Actually I think that old Max here is trying to channel Mary Richards from the Mary Tyler Moore Show. Give it a few months and she’ll be wearing a beret and in a mad moment will stand on the steps of the Capitol Building and whirl herself around while she grabs the beret (forgetting it’s pinned to the hair) and the beret, hair and all will spin heavenward while our Max loses her footing and rolls ass over teakettle down the steps coming to a rest in a sitting position her patchy Kojak doo on display for all the tourists to snapchat.

  3. And then Maxine broke out with…

    “Wo! I feel good, I knew that I would now
    I feel good, I knew that I would now
    So good, so good, I got you…”

    …and it was all over.

  4. Didn’t old Maxi-Pad fall down some stairs recently and go boom? Maybe the wig is covering a padded helmet or something? And what the hell is wrong with Ainsley Earhardt, actually defending Maxi-pad on O’Reilly’s show, describing her as pretty? Better have that astigmatism checked out real soon, Ainsley.

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