If This Isn’t a Metaphor – IOTW Report

If This Isn’t a Metaphor

ht/ menderman

20 Comments on If This Isn’t a Metaphor

  1. I *also* enjoyed the IRONY
    of the slogan on the side of the bus


    Talking about “the future” while sloganeering on the past.

    FEELIN’ HOPEY, anyone?!

  2. I’ve got the song The Magic Bus by The Who running through my head while viewing this. This is poetic justice, a broken down Bernie (it looks like Bernie’s bus has been berned) bus being towed away, hopefully by a non Union tow truck driver.

  3. Drag the broken Bernie bus back to the service station to be patched up and returned to the road to spew pollution and pose a very real hazard to the country, all at the taxpayers’ expense.

    A metaphor, indeed.

  4. It’ll actually be worse than that we’ll all be thrown under the bus, all of us who actually believe in traditional American values. Bernie or Shrillary will just drive the bus over us a few more times to finish off what barry has already done.

  5. See the bus has no engine which means ‘it’ does not use fuel.
    So it’s a green bus. Liberal logic.
    Like the liberal that says “I don’t use fossil fuel, I ride the bus”

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