If Titanic sunk in 2016 – IOTW Report

If Titanic sunk in 2016


h/t LadyGun12

7 Comments on If Titanic sunk in 2016

  1. I warned the Captain before we set sail – but he wouldn’t listen! So at the critical moment, I grabbed the big wheely-thing and tried to avoid the imminent collision with the great white whale … or, uhh … hold on … let me get my lie straight … the great white iceberg … yes, ICEBERG! But the Sergeant of Marines shot me in the chest. I screamed “You Fool! You’ve now condemned us to a freezing watery death!” But he laughed like a madman, and said that there’d be no mutiny on his watch!
    As the ship collided with the ICEBERG and existence grew dark before my eyes, I screamed “Damn the icebergs: Full speed ahead!”
    And as the hugely titanic ship … the uh … the Titanic … sank I crawled around the deck saving the lives of hundreds – getting them into lifeboats, and stuff.

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