If Trump had made this slip up — Biden blurts N-Word – IOTW Report

If Trump had made this slip up — Biden blurts N-Word

ht/ jerry manderin

37 Comments on If Trump had made this slip up — Biden blurts N-Word

  1. Heard this clip on MugClub yesterday and couldn’t believe my ears!

    The dumb bastard- how tHE HECK did he stumble and mumble his way into saying Niggarz with a Zee? What a MORON.
    Good god.

  2. Anyone who has followed Joe Biden over the years KNOWS that he is a number one, TRUE BLUE DEMOCRAT RACIST. He has not changed one little bit. The DNC stole this election for fear of losing their psychological induced slaves, ie; Blacks who vote Democrat for no reason.

  3. Every time he speaks, 100’s of Alzheimer’s specialists are learning, writing, watching the steady drip drip drip of what remains of Joe Biden as he experiences the effects of “nature’s anesthesia”.

  4. …can one of you folks who suffered through that give a time mark for when he says that?

    I haven’t listened to a single thing this doddering old pedophile rapist ever said, so while I am curious, I’m not 18-minutes-of-listening-to-a-rambling-fraudulent-incestuous-child-molester curious…

  5. He did not say the N word. He slurred “I’m eager to hear”. The “m” sound came out as a slurred “n” = “I m-n-eager to hear”.

    Still his speech is 96.4 percent BS. The rest is fluff like the stuff about Mars.

    “America is back” “Let’s get working”. That’s all he said.

  6. Uncle Al ʘ
    FEBRUARY 23, 2021 AT 9:43 AM
    “@SNS — https://youtu.be/uwjxQoTyVAE?t=928

    I sniggered when I heard that.”

    …thanks UA, gotta say that it does just sound like what “Deplorable but the jury’s out on Irredeemable” says…

    …even so, there’s plenty of other proof that he thinks about Black people what ALL dems think about Black people, but it doesn’t matter because most will vote Democrat anyway just because that’s what they’ve ALWAYS done, it’s just muscle memory now from what I can see, not that it matters since the voting machines can tell any lie they like anymore, so they may just let their true feelings slip more and more just so they have more outrage to get off on as diabolical narcissist do…

  7. This is just one of numerous links showing his false claims of being a professor.
    Kind of like the person receiving an honorary doctorate after a speech claiming to be a doctor or like a person having an education doctorate claiming to be a doctor (she would be a damn good surgeon general according to whoopass mop head).


  8. Freudian slip is at 15:34 on the timeline.
    Old mealy-mouth Biden meant to say “eager” but managed to say ni@@er.
    I deserve a reward for listening to this boob mumble his way though the speech.

  9. Uncle Al ʘ
    FEBRUARY 23, 2021 AT 9:43 AM

    “I sniggered when I heard that.”

    …well, Joe’s no niggard when it comes to spamming out nonsense words and backhanded racial insults, so…

  10. “this doesn’t help the cause. Joe did not use the ‘N Word’, pretty obvious.”

    OK first of all, rob madden. I don’t care WHY biden said it and under what conditions he said it… he actually SAID it.
    Even Youtube captions showed he said “nigger”.

    So, in the end, what YOU said doesn’t help your own cause.
    Not unless you were trying to be condescending. 🙂

  11. He said it. He was probably concentrating real hard on saying it, so it just popped out. No matter. Consider what would be happening to Trump right now. It would be impeachment numero 4

  12. MJA
    FEBRUARY 23, 2021 AT 1:11 PM

    “OK first of all, rob madden. I don’t care WHY biden said it and under what conditions he said it… he actually SAID it”

    …absolutely, if President Trump had slightly mispronounced “Figure” at any time in the last 4 years, they would have burnt the White House down and every city they walked through along the way, and impeached him eleventy times eleventy times for “causing people to be that angry”…


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