If Trump Loses But the Right Has House and Senate, I Have a Proposal – IOTW Report

If Trump Loses But the Right Has House and Senate, I Have a Proposal

This is in keeping with the Dem’s threat to expand the amount of sitting judges and pack them with lefties if they regain that power.

I propose the house and senate install a parallel president, one that has more power than the current president.


RBG did not support packing courts –

The left will do anything for power.

Pelosi says they have “arrows in their quiver.”

This is disgusting –>

19 Comments on If Trump Loses But the Right Has House and Senate, I Have a Proposal

  1. First off, our darling POTUS and his darling wife will not be calling the movers on 11/4/20.

    Secondly, please watch this important video from True the Vote, and add your support (time and/or money) to fight vote fraud: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/09/must-see-video-catherine-engelbrect-prestigious-true-vote-organization-release-powerful-warning-marxist-coup-america/

    Thirdly, repent of your sins, ask God’s forgiveness, turn away from sin, and pray to God Almighty that he heals our land.

  2. …Biden is CLEARLY not going to win an HONEST election.

    If they claim he DID, the only POSSIBLE answer for such a blatant steal is rebellion and civil war, the fulfillment of OUR duties under the Second Amendment.

    I was prepared to do so if Hillary stole in ’16.

    And I’m prepared to do so NOW. Better to die free than live a slave.

    And slaves we would indeed be.

    I won’t get far by myself.

    …but somehow, I don’t think I’d be alone…

  3. Abigail Adams if and when (and I believe that he will win a 2nd term) President Trump beats the totally inept Joe Biden for the Presidency on Nov. 3rd it will be like a real life but true remake of the old Depression era movie Gabriel Over The White House. Next Saturday with The Return of a large gathering of Christians and others who are praying for a revival and a return to God by asking God to forgive us our sins and repentance may very well determine whether or not we will still be One nation under God after 11-3. I’m praying that it will and that the left will be thwarted at every turn by legions of Angels on our side fighting for our nation and it’s freedoms. There are far more on our side than on theirs and God will prevail in a mighty and miraculous way that we can’t even see yet. I’m also praying that God will strike all the anti Trump protestors deaf and dumb as well so that they can’t wreak havoc and that everything they try to do will be seen as folly by the vast majority of the American people and will accordingly lead to a revival of epoch proportions like before the American Revolution in the 1730-1750 and beyond period of our nations history. Somethings happening here and it ain’t exactly clear but I sense that God is on the move to save this nation as it was founded.

  4. Kcir – Cuomorats everywhere
    SEPTEMBER 20, 2020 AT 2:17 PM

    She should not have pissed of her hair dresser/owner. Nancy looks like Bag O’shit and Smashed Assholes this morning.”

    …and how is that different from any OTHER day…

  5. Kcir – Cuomorats everywhere
    SEPTEMBER 20, 2020 AT 2:17 PM

    ..oug of curiosity, what DOES a bag of smashed assholes look like, and just how do you KNOW this?

  6. I just returned from a 1600 mile round trip back to Houston. I saw 100’s of TRUMP/PENCE signs and not one biden sign, not even a biden bumper sticker. If we have a fair election Trump wins by a landslide, but who expects that to happen?


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