If we can’t defeat this at the ballot box… behold, the left! – IOTW Report

If we can’t defeat this at the ballot box… behold, the left!

21 Comments on If we can’t defeat this at the ballot box… behold, the left!

  1. Truly amazing and scary that those morons can multiply, drive and vote!!
    Everyone got a participation trophy at the end – a free nose-ring…
    or maybe a free Winky Dink plastic “magic drawing screen” for your TV and a box of crayons to draw hammers and sickles with!

  2. One wonders how Socialism could possibly have taken hold of the imaginations of Russians back in the day, what with its extremely gendered language AND DECLENSIONS!!!!???? Seriously…I’d be triggered.

  3. … Point of PERSONAL Privledge … Thank You You Effin’ Commies; I Will Use Whatever Gender Descriptives I WANT to. Because It Is MY Personal Privilege So – STFU.

  4. US communists are the biggest pussies and nutjobs in the history of communism. Just imagine what Stalin, Mao, Ho Chi Minh, or Castro would think of these clowns? They’d all be dead before sundown.

  5. I am prone to sensory overload. Please do not make me watch this garbage. Oh wait, I don’t need to have anyone else stop me from watching. Though I did, so maybe I do.
    In addition, please do not refer to me as “he”, “him”, etc. “Master” will do fine.


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