“If we don’t win the House, Trump is there for eight years” – Joe Biden – IOTW Report

“If we don’t win the House, Trump is there for eight years” – Joe Biden

You can always count on Joe to let the cat out of the bag. Guy’s an idiot.


There’s energy on the streets, Joe Biden told a few dozen House Democrats in a private session this week, and it should be enough to produce a blue wave in November — but only if they figure out how to harness it.

“If we don’t win the House, Trump is there for eight years,” the former vice president and prospective 2020 candidate warned. Members of the “Blue Collar Caucus“ looked stunned. “I’m serious,” Biden added. “So, no pressure.”

The outcome in November hinges on whether the anti-Trump fervor on the left amounts as much action as words. But the mass gun control demonstrations across the country on Saturday — the main event in Washington drew hundreds of thousands of people — focused on addressing the issue Biden pointed to.

At the Women’s March last year the day after Trump’s inauguration, and at several demonstrations after that, protesters were swarming and angry but had no idea what to do next. The election eight months from now seems to have given the movement an organizing principle.


20 Comments on “If we don’t win the House, Trump is there for eight years” – Joe Biden

  1. Regarding the gun rights issue and bump stocks. And this is important so listen up. Trumps ban on Bump Stocks prevented many other component parts band. Review all previous proposed laws written about banning bump stocks. The language includes any device that increases the normal rate of fire of an AR 15. That would include triggers, buffer springs, buffers, etc. Mainly triggers. That’s why the NRA was ready to give them up.

  2. It will be interesting to see what’crisis’ progressives create, closer to election.

    The leftist are so rigid that they are predictable.

    That President Trump is unpredictable, is what drives them nuts about the President. He’s a wild card; a rope-a-dope master, surrounded by a Teflon shield, against spurious leftist bull💩.

    That was the most honesty ever to pass crazy Joe’s lips.

  3. Many of you know who this is, but for those that don’t, go to You Tube, then search for Jeff Dunham & Walter. Walter looks almost like Biden, but Walter has more brains & speaks better than Biden, using language that everyone, except Progressives, can understand, because the Progressives will take offense to almost everything Walter says.

  4. They know from the sheer nunber of pending indictments, that Trump has a Huge and Growing Arsenal just for special occasion’s !
    A legal taste of their own medicine.

  5. “There will be a blue wave if Trump supporters do not get their shit together.”

    I’m not holding out hope. This is three times they’ve jumped to conclusions. A pretty stupid lot. I guess they get what they deserve. Mean while I’m moving into a furnished 5,000 sqft cave in Northern Montana. That sow Grizz looks cuter every day.

  6. All my angry lib friends live in a already indigo blue states. Their fellow angries will just turn what’s already blue even bluer. I worry the wobbly half hearted Trumpers just won’t vote-but hope that the extra money in their paychecks from the tax break counteracts that.

  7. i dont see any Trump conservatives going soft or dormant. I still see the energy.

    Most of the antiTrump is from areas of the country that the bitch won. every time the left acts up, we just win more.

  8. I howl every time I see this pic. 😂 One of your best IMO fur. I can’t stop laughing. Of course it’s 4 am and I’m loopy from lack of sleep. 🤪

  9. Groping Joe Biden the sage of the democrat party.
    I’ve followed politics closely most of my adult life and I either didn’t notice up until now or they are more idiotic and unhinged now than ever before. There is no reasonable way to compromise with these lunatics so things are probably going to get sporty soon.

  10. How is a guy who keeps helping his felon of a son land multi-million dollar jobs with Russian and Chinese firms by exploiting his time as VP a viable candidate for anything other than an indictment.

  11. “If Trump doesn’t leave, he will be there….this many years!”

    “That’s nine, Joe.”

    “You’re not supposed to count the thumb.”

    Lord help us….

  12. @@Mr_Pinko March 26, 2018 at 12:05 am

    > There will be a blue wave if Trump supporters do not get their shit together.

    Well, I’d be happy to start stockpiling my shit. But nobody’s offering US$15 an hour to gripe. (And it better be time-and-a-half if I have to gripe outside, in bad weather. Like too hot, or too cold, or too windy.) And there better be buses. Chartered buses, cuz I ain’t walking farther than the nearest corner. And lunch, if this is going to take more than an hour. At least George Soros treats his cannon fodder right.

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