Barr is a joke-
Attorney General William Barr says he has "not seen a reason to appoint a special counsel" to investigate Hunter Biden, and has "no plan to do so" before he steps down
— CBS News (@CBSNews) December 21, 2020
Can we revolt yet?
Barr is asshole.
I was thinking maybe there’s no reason because the crimes will be dealt with otherwise. Say by an upcoming military tribunal?
I keep praying for my President.
PS If you think about it, when have ‘special councils’ produced anything but jack shit?
He handled himself so well, grace under pressure and all that, really thought that he was going to get things done.
If it all fails and Trump isn’t taking the oath in late January it won’t be because of Trump, but because of Republican swamp-dwellers who enabled it every step of the way.
BB ends his career as a traitor and a pathetic pussy
It really shouldn’t take a special counsel to investigate hunter, normal law enforcement agencies should be more than adequate.
Getting anyone to pay attention to the findings and do something about them is what is seems impossible no matter who presents them to us.
the entire Government is a joke….the law enforcement side of government is non-existent and the entire Cabal is in it for themselves at the expense of the masses. Look at California for the preview as Gov. Newsom’s winery is open for business, he eats at $1500. a plate restaurants in groups without a mask, Pelosi gets her hair done in a closed salon without a mask, Swallwell bangs a Chinese spy for years and is not removed from office…..Government is not your friend, far from it and rotten to the core.
Anonymous DECEMBER 21, 2020 AT 1:45 PM…>>>links? Oregon capital. A web search shows nothing.
his pension remains intact, and likely much better than yours and mine combined.
Protesters gather at Oregon Capitol as special session begins; police declare unlawful assembly
Salem police said the public should avoid the area near the Oregon Capitol building and streets in the area will be closed as needed.
News disclaimer: Due to inclement weather, no rioters, looters, blm or blm thug wannabes will be out today. Sorry folks, move along. Nothing to see here.
Oregon Legislature meeting in CLOSED session to discuss lockdown etc. Closed part violates State Constitution
It seems barr & pelousy have one thing in common, being complete treacherous cunts.
“We’re not gonna give up this easily, everybody come in!” said one protester with a knife on his belt and a bulletproof vest as he entered the lobby. “This is our state. This is our building.”
In future reporting, this protestor will be described as “heavily armed”.
This Barr suck!
Good news Barr is gone in 2 days and the next acting AG can make his own decision on that.
RE: Oregon. Leftist burn cities down and they are called peaceful protestors. Conservatives protest and they are called mobs.
Barr is such a Sad Sack. He sure had me fooled.
Where do we send money???
More like shot in the head and thrown from a moving van for bringing attention to the syndicate.
Et Tu, Barr?
Wouldn’t trust who he picked anyway.
Here’s my 2 cents. If he appoints a special counsel then it’s story over. No one will care what Barr has to say in the next few months. If he doesn’t appoint a special counsel then his book will sell like hot cakes with everyone wondering what he knows. It is always always always follow the money. He is no different.
I hope the door hits him in the ass on the way out.
and that fat fuck Christie from NJ is just as bad or worse. Spewing shit just to try to get a job, any job.
Barr has done more damage to our country than obama and pelosi combined.
And if you all were my Petey B, you’d be in my unbleached elastic starfish!