If you ain’t gettin’ any, it’s because of Global Warming – IOTW Report

If you ain’t gettin’ any, it’s because of Global Warming

Global warming will kill your sex life, according to a paper by the National Bureau of Economic Research.

BigGovernment: The study – called Maybe Next Month? Temperature Shocks, Climate Change, and Dynamic Adjustments in Birth Rates – examined how birth rates change over time in the US, depending on the weather.

What it found is that on days where the temperature exceeded 80 degrees F there was a large decline in births eight to ten months later.

Though the researchers found that the drop off was mitigated slightly by couples making up for lost time – as shown by a subsequent rise in the birth rate – this increase still wasn’t quite enough to make up for all the babies who would have been bred if the hot weather hadn’t happened.


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