If you can’t articulate why you hold an opinion, you have been indoctrinated – IOTW Report

If you can’t articulate why you hold an opinion, you have been indoctrinated

22 Comments on If you can’t articulate why you hold an opinion, you have been indoctrinated

  1. Tall sasquachie looking guy said about sacagewea….”she led Christopher Clark around”…..HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!….My nieces who are in their mid to early thirties, high dollar university educated, and they would say the same things….They think I’m a dumbass though…..HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!….

  2. Georges Sorel (1847-1922) predicted that we’d reach a point where we (the socialists and assorted street maggotry) would refuse either to admit or debate facts and simply shout slogans and scream chants and platitudes to drown out rational thought. AND that the humans would be so intimidated that they’d acquiesce in the face of such irrationality and intimidation.

    His point was proven with the rise of Lenin’s Soviet Socialism in Russia, Hitler’s National Socialism in Germany, and the ensuing cowardice and pusillanimity of Vichy France.

    I don’t understand why rational people pretend to be surprised.

    So … here we go … again.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Interesting in a “looking at a car crash” sort of way.

    I would find it more interesting, and possibly helpful, if Campus Reform moved from just asking the questions to challenging these young people with the some facts to help them at least hear the other side of their argument. It may not change minds, but to just listen with no push back accomplishes nothing constructive.

  4. I’ve been arguing with Libertarians on FB about the idiot in Austin who got shot and killed.
    I don’t think they quite understand the 2nd amendment like they think they do. Their argument is he was within his right to open carry and protest and the guy who shot was in the wrong because he drove into their peaceful protest and shot him when he never fired his weapon. My argument is he has a right to open carry and protest, but he was not open carrying and protesting, he was open carrying while breaking the law. It is against the law to block roadways. It is against the law to point a weapon at someone for just trying to drive down a public road. It is not the law that you have to wait for someone pointing a rifle at you to fire before you shoot them.
    Then the argument turned into arguing with an idiot liberal, he was a Libertarian and a veteran. So? He was an idiot Libertarian and a veteran that wanted to play bad ass and run with his terrorist friends and he found someone who wasn’t a pussy and blew his ass away.
    I don’t support the second amendment because I don’t support a Libertarian and it’s obvious I’m a racist. I sure would like them their party explain to me if they’re about liberty then why are all of their members sound like crazy ass leftists with the exception they like guns?

    I truly am fed up with stupid people.

  5. The framers of the constitution and founding fathers of the United States were able to rise above their time and articulate universal principles of our fundamental nature into a solid political form.

    Not a single one of those young people has it within them to rise above their time of marxist indoctrination, leave it behind, and formulate universal principles that bind all humanity as equals and articulate that into a political form.

    Not a single one of those young people has it within them to rise above their time.

  6. Kevin @2:23,

    Not if they never hear the other options, they can’t.
    It’s like friends of mine who don’t want to “indoctrinate” their children with Christian teachings saying they can make up their own minds when they are older.
    If they have never even learned about Christianity except from non-Christians, their mind is made up for them.

    Indoctrination is an evil thing, and it has been infiltrating our schools since the 60’s.

  7. If every third word in your argument starts with an “F”, you’ve probably been indoctrinated

    If half your adjectives end with “ist” or “phobic”, you’ve probably been indoctrinated

    If my very presence causes you to foam at the mouth like a person overdosing on fentanyl, you’ve probably been … you know


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