If You Didn’t Think This Diversity Hire Was an Idiot Before- WATCH THIS – IOTW Report

If You Didn’t Think This Diversity Hire Was an Idiot Before- WATCH THIS

Okay, stupid. And, yes, you are stupid.

No one “cared” when a man dressed as a woman the same way you are using the word “care” in 2023.

Yes, in the past, it was illegal to cross-dress in public. But it was always understood that it was a “man dressing as a woman.” It was thought of as a sexual fetish being carried out in public view and was thought of as perverse. The “care” was concern that these people were mentally ill and would disrupt the order of polite society. No one “cared” what you did in your home.

Now, no one “cares” how you want to dress in public. What people care about today is that shithead diversity-hire “scientists” would gloss over the fact that they are telling us that these cross-dressers are women. Laws are being enacted to punish people who do not buy into “the science” of this idiocy. People care that biological women are having their civil rights destroyed.

Notice how no one speaks about men’s civil rights being destroyed by women who claim to be men. That is because, biologically, men are not threatened by the physical power of a biological woman. Males are not threatened by females with mastectomies getting naked in a locker room sans penis, or with forearm skin hanging from their crotch. Nothing can, or will, happen to them.

Conversely, a man, with his swinging dick, in a girl’s locker room, is a biological threat. Women should not be forced to get naked with these people because a diversity-hire scientist asks, while overly-stressing every syllable in douchey fashion, “why do you care?”

They care.

The real question is, why do you care that it becomes science that a “woman” can impregnate a “man”?

32 Comments on If You Didn’t Think This Diversity Hire Was an Idiot Before- WATCH THIS

  1. 3 things:
    They are forcing it (and themselves) on children.
    They are forcing themselves (always the men) into women’s sports and bathrooms.
    They are demanding that we pay for it.

  2. Yeah, OK… let’s legitimize the crazy with “science”.
    Yes Kneel, the United States is a land where we pursue happiness, not mental illness!
    Aaaaaaaaannnnd by the way, nobody would care about this all this gender crap if you kept it to yourselves, but you crossed the line when you try to shove it down our throats (and up our asses) and in particular indoctrinating our children with it trying to convince everyone that it is normal!

  3. It would be interesting to see an actual “scientific” study quantifying the percentage of men who do dress up as women, not because they think or identify as a woman, but purely for the sexual gratification, so prevalent that there is an actual term for, autogynephilia.

    They will never admit it or document it, but I would bet a shockingly high percentage of these “trans-women” have not deluded themselves from reality, know they are still men but are enjoying the benefits of being a protected class, gaining victim status and all the perks that provides them and getting off sexually.

  4. What a maroon. He ain’t no Carl Pagan (Cosmos reference) but he’s pretty damn close in his idiotic pagan worldview. Why is this turkey even considered to be a reputable scientist, he’s lost his friggin mind defending transgenderism.

  5. why do i care?
    because these trans-weirdos expect to me to hire them, with no real work experience/work ethic, and cater to this insanity with top pay
    i don’t want to take time outta my busy day with your inability to determine what sex you want to portray today on my dime

  6. They are coming after your children because their trans, sterile, non-reproducing bodies can’t create their own children.
    Plus it is easier to harm someone you have no emotional attachment to.

  7. If there was ever even a glimmer of scientific method in him which I doubt), it has long since vanished. He’s just a joke now… and an annoying fruitcake that very few listen to.

  8. Hang a left out of the Tri Cities on Hwy 12 and you’ll make it to Walla Walla, home of The Little Giant Novelty Company of Walla Walla, Wash. according to Looney Tunes. And for added measure, “Ooh, Eee, Ooh, Eee, Ah, bing bang, Walla Walla bing bang.” Who doesn’t like to say Walla Walla.

  9. I used to watch the Science channel when I had cable. Whenever he came on, I turned off the TV. He’s an arrogant fool. In the Biblical sense.

    Sample verses:
    Proverbs 18:2 Fools have no interest in understanding; they only want to air their own opinions.
    Proverbs 12:15 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes.
    Proverbs 1:22 Fools, how long will you love being ignorant? How long will you make fun of wisdom? How long will you hate knowledge?
    Proverbs 14:7 Stay away from a fool, for you will not find knowledge on their lips.
    Proverbs 23:9 Do not speak to fools, for they will scorn your prudent words.

  10. That’s a dumb motherfucker right there. If you have a ding dong, you be a dude, and shit, yo! If you doesn’t have no ding dong, an sheeit, you is prolly not a dude, an shit. Gnomesayin’? Sheeit. Yo!

  11. Well, Nelly DeQuack Tiresome seems to be taking the rejection of the trans agenda a bit too personal. Bet he’s been in makeup and worn a dress on many occasions. A closeted freak who unsuccessfully tries to hide his “passions”.


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