DEVELOPING: Investigators are looking into suspicions by Flynn's legal team that President Obama directed FBI Director James Comey and Acting AG Sally Yates to investigate Flynn, using the Logan Act as predication, the day after the FBI closed a counterintelligence case on him.
— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) May 10, 2020
Remember Clapper throwing Obama under the bus?
Clapper Crapping himself as he throws his boss under a bus ..😂
— Tozy (@TozyTerry) May 10, 2020
Would be interesting to find out but, being realistic, Obama has achieved an untouchable status and nothing significant would be done about it.
It isn’t like he’s a Nixon or something that would have to pay a penalty for criminal activities in office.
“It isn’t like he’s a Nixon or something that would have to pay a penalty for criminal activities in office.”
Although seldom spoken, it’s called Black-privilege.
‘Flipper’ Isn’t just a sea mammal and the potential is nearly inexhaustible. Survival is a powerful motivation.
I have little faith that our corrupt septic government will ever have a come back without a call to arms after 8 years of Obama rot.
James Crapper – – I like it.
So it turns out Nap was FIRED, suspended, whatever, for that comment! Then, FOX had to retract and the State Dept ‘apologized’ to the conspirator allies!!
Other source:
I put that up on a previous thread, but I think it is critical to understand the complicated SWAMPY backround!!
But I am getting there, almost have it figured out.
I AM FASCINATED as to how the POTUS is going to deal with a former POTUS Traitor. I said many many months back, is or will DJT give Barry the Traitor an offer that he cannot refuse OR because Obama IS Obama he thinks he is too protected by his MINIONS and therefore is banking on ‘getting off’. I see the former and not the latter, the rats are showing signs of fleeing the ship.
Any theories out there as to how the POTUS can do this??
How THE FUCK does a guy, a leader, tell 50% of the people in the Nation that the PRICK they voted for is a FRAUD, made up, as in FABRICATED.
How the hell is he gonna pull this off??
Only because IF DJT does not, it’s business as usual in America and that won’t fair well my friends, for him or US(A).
And our POTUS also has to deal with a toxic Senate who has been making their OWN corrupt deals, both sides, for the past fifty years??
Yes, he has a insurmountable CHALLENGE, as in a Ranger climbing a shear cliff in Normandy while taking fire from a German Pill Box. Uh huh. We know how that turned out with ultimate victory, but many a brave soldier died ‘getting there’.
You had all better buckle up. It’s not going to be nice either way, unfortunately.
Gen Glover
Wonder what Clapper’s gonna think when he hears Obama say “I’m innocent. I knew nothing, all the crimes were committed by Clapper.”
I just hope that if President Trump can orchestrate some show trials… maybe “get” some convictions (with ever honest FBI/DOJ “evidence”)… have a few wrists slapped… fling some mud on Black Jesus’ crucifix… that loyal patriots will continue to stand down. Now (then) that the Party is All Good. Again. Same as it ever was. (Proven. In a court of law. Subject to change, without notice.)
No! Don’t get all rolly… Oh? Just gas? Well, alrighty then.
to ghost of brig gen j glover
thank you for links!!!!!
zowie, wowie, huzzah etc.
watching the unfolding will now be sooooo much easier. to say nothing of more fun.
encourage you all to read and follow links and make up your own minds.
i’m feeling quite relieved and cheerful.
Corruption is sustained through fear. If any effort was made to hold the Obama/Jarret administration accountable, every city in the USA would be torched. Both parties know that and so law and order are held hostage.
@jmb – YOU are welcome! It’s like trying to figure out an ‘intelligence’ puzzle but are we about 90% complete. The image has emerged and there are only a few pieces left.
Long as the cat didn’t knock of a piece or two in the dark of night…then hit the fallen piece onto the floor, UNDER the radiator.
I am cheerful as well, and that is why I get frustrated with the naysayers, ‘oh I’ll see it when it happens’, I NO patience for that at this point.
The puzzle will come to together finally. I have an idea to actually make one, a Swamp puzzle, in memory of the Burning Swamp.
A commenter over at The Conservative Treehouse posted this a few days ago.
It’s worth a repost.
From JimInCO
“ It seems to me that great help might come from the Bully Pulpit.
I envision, at the right time, that the President opens an evening National Address from the Oval Office. Trump calmly gives history and exposure to what he, and his administration has uncovered about the real secret cabal within the Deep State/Media to commit crimes against the Constitution and Free Election system.
This starts with his exposure that (True Patriot!) Adm. Mike Rogers met him at TrumpTower, informed him of the spying, and when Trump reported (Truthfully) that his office had been “wiretapped”.
Spend an hour going narratively through Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Susan Rice, Samantha Powers, on to Andrew Weissman and through Mueller. Spice it with the NYT, Wash Post, MSNBC, CNN baloney, and report to the thinking American People that a grave felonious injustice has occurred in American History. (Dwarfing Teapot Dome and Watergate).
Then, announce that Durham will be sending down indictments the next day.
The radicals and sheeple wouldn’t digest it, but enough true Americans would, and the Death of the Democratic Party may follow in time.
The Telecast and Print Media might not cover the address, but the bullseye will be squarely on their slimy little foreheads.”
I would add to this guy’s post the “death of the Republican Party” as well.
“I was just following orders…”
That defense worked wonders at Nuremberg, Jimmy Boy.