If you have an erection for more than 4 hours… look at this – – IOTW Report

If you have an erection for more than 4 hours… look at this –

The Patriot Retort says:

Hey, remember when I posted about the woman who showed up at a Hillary book signing dressed head-to-toe in images of the cover of “What Happened?”

At the time I said she was the Hillary equivalent of a Trekkie.

But I’m afraid that Trekkie woman has been dethroned.

And now there is a new reigning queen among the Hillary Psycho Fans-


14 Comments on If you have an erection for more than 4 hours… look at this –

  1. I went to Dianny’s site as linked in my Mr Hat. She has lots of good stuff, too. One article caught my eye, that of Hillary when she said she wanted to be a preacher.

    In medieval (and later) times, you could basically purchase your way out of your sin.

    Dianny wrote, “At the Church of Reverend Hillary, the medieval practice of buying your way into heaven will make a big, BIG comeback.”

    The holy Clinton Foundation lives!

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