If you like compulsory vaccinations, you’ll love child labor and the Espionage Act – IOTW Report

If you like compulsory vaccinations, you’ll love child labor and the Espionage Act

Child labor in a glass factory- Pixabay

Alex Berenson

I hadn’t even considered this, but of course he’s right. He mentions 10 terrible Supreme Court rulings below. Most – including, of course, Plessy – have been stuffed in the dustbin of history, where they belong. The left loudly cheered their reversal.

But Jacobson – a 116-year-old ruling about a virus roughly 100 times as deadly as Sars-Cov-2 – must be preserved forever and forms the core support for a mandatory vaccination scheme.

Makes total sense.

All the happy talk about Jacobson/vax has really been bothering me, so I went back and looked at the period surrounding this alleged Jewel of the Enlightenment. more

11 Comments on If you like compulsory vaccinations, you’ll love child labor and the Espionage Act

  1. The criminals and paid chinee foreign operatives in the media are continuously writing in their stories that the pfizer BioNtech injection has been approved. That is a blatant and demonstrable lie. If the pfizer injection was approved by the FDA the all other injections would LOSE their emergency use authorization by order of the existing federal law. That law states that the eua can only be granted as long as no authorized, recognized treatment or vaccine is available. Once their is one, the others are revoked and must go through the standard 5-10 year testing and approval process. LIARS.

  2. This isn’t a vaccine though, and it doesn’t protect others for you to get it. And if you are under 60 and in decent health, getting the covid is likely no more dangerous than the potential effects of the jabs.
    Also, cases have been dropping sharply in USA the past 10 days or so. We are on the back side of the last surge, and in a couple of weeks all that will remain is the fearmongering. Not that they will give up.

  3. It’s so discouraging to see Americans bend over and just take this shit.

    I see people walking around ALONE in 110 degree Vegas heat wearing a goddamn mask.
    I see them driving ALONE wearing a fucking mask.

    The worst is assholes that support mandatory bullshit.
    Founders are rolling over at warp speed…

  4. The SCROTUS is corrupt.
    The Biden Mal-Administration is corrupt (EVERY Agency).
    The Senate is corrupt.
    The House is corrupt.

    Criminals cannot reform themselves – the Light of God can reform them – or they can be punished – but they cannot, will not, reform themselves.

    We, the People of the United States, either learn to Eat Shit and Like It, or do something about it.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Agree wtih all of the above.
    They know that C19 is going to peter out on its own which is probably a major explanation for all this urgency to get it done before the window slams shut!

  6. I called Pfizer. Went to the Covid shot info section. It’s a long list of legal-eze.
    In the beginning she says the vax has been approved by the FDA but if you hold on til the end she says it has not been approved because it’s an experimental vaccine.

    It’s an experiment.
    This is the world’s largest clinical trial of experimental drugs.
    Just like the Nazis and the Tuskeegee experiments.

  7. Let’s keep in mind that these are the same people who turned their back on thousands of Americans in Afghanistan, the same people who turned their back on the entire country by aiding the Tolibahn and the same people who turned their back on the voter with wholesale fraud. The bottom line is they don’t give a SHIT about your health!


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