If You Like Your Guns You Can Keep Your Guns and other lies – IOTW Report

If You Like Your Guns You Can Keep Your Guns and other lies

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21 Comments on If You Like Your Guns You Can Keep Your Guns and other lies

  1. Sadly, I’ve completely lost my sense of humor and even ridicule like this is unwatchable to me. Ditched it after 15 seconds.

    If O’cock Barama were to mysteriously lose his ability to speak…in shallah…praise be to allah… then he’d be worthy of the Nobel prize he found in that crackerjacks box in 2009.

  2. How dare this elitist bitch try to tell us what the vast majority of gun owners think.
    I hope we don’t find out who is the better gun salesman – Clinton vs Obama since that would mean a Trump lose in November.

  3. Quoting Obama from the video.
    “I won’t take your shot gun away.”

    You sir, are correct.

    “I won’t take your rifle away.”


    “I won’t take your handgun away.”

    Of course you won’t.

    I know this stuff, you see. Obama really don’t know much about our Constitution, how it is the charter that gives our government legitimacy. That it was written not to empower a federal government, but to chain it. He don’t get that.

    But down in a small part of his noggin’, he does get we’ll set about killing a government that gets serious about disarming the population. Because that’s in the Constitution too.

  4. “We know that Russian intelligence services hacked into the DNC and we know that they arranged for a lot of those emails to be released and we know that Donald Trump has shown a very troubling willingness to back up Putin, to support Putin,” Clinton said in an interview with “Fox News Sunday

    It’s a hell of a thing when Hillary Clinton is not a good solid source

  5. OK, so explain to me why Trump has lost 6 points in 6 days to Hiliary?

    Maybe Trump needs to start attacking Hiliary like Mr. Pinko does instead of attacking Ryan, McCain, Ayotte and Khan men?

    Seriously…why is Trump crashing in the polls?

  6. @ Menderman

    1. The polling is being skewed to favor Hillary. For one, Reuters admitted to “restructuring” them last week.
    It’s also designed to discourage Trump supporters.

    2. This is a dip, not a crash, IMHO. 😉

  7. @ Sylvia and Cato:

    RCP does a great job at analyzing polls and weighting them accordingly. They have been dead on since W was running. 6 points in 6 days is crashing. RCP is the ONLY polling data I pay any attention to….Trump should too.

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