Well, he now has a challenger-

Also, Mark Dice took a look at his liked videos on his YouTube channel.
Pretty disturbing in light of other info that’s been coming out-
Top Ten Prettiest Disney Channel Stars
Top Ten Disney Girls
Selena Gomez From Child To Woman
This guy is a scrape the bottom of the barrel sleaze bag.
I expect somebody will find Japanese tentacle porn on his phone.
I’m glad he is on the side that he is. I would not be happy to be trying to make excuses for him.
Out: Creepy Porn Lawyer
In: Deepy Kiddie Porn Lawyer
He is a pedophile.
He tweeted this about Epstein:
I must admit that I had a thing for the Alice in Wonderland in Anaheim.
I wouldn’t be surprised to find he has some sort of participation in these perverse, illegal activities.
One of his favorite pass times is pocket pool.
He also goes to Disneyland by himself all the time, masturbating while seated behind unsuspecting children on “The Pirates Of The Caribbean” while Pluto looks the other way.
this is alarming. Dont the democrats have any normally aspirated human on their side?
Land of the free, home of the perv.
Execute these pervs.
OK, you’ve made your case that he’s creepy, perverted, sleazy, scumbag, but you had me at lawyer.
99% of the lawyers give the rest of ’em a bad name!
Joe Biden should hire him. They have a lot in common.
Zaid can explain away the Disney and Selena Gomez as his little girl or niece got ahold of his phone and “liked” those….the child porn, I don’t know how he’d explain that.
Oh who am I kidding? He’s one of “theirs”, he doesn’t have to explain anything.
He still needs 200 appearances on CNN to be quintessential.
His NAMBLA association certificate is proudly framed and resting next to his law degree. F#cking CREEP!
Zaid? Zaid’s dead, baby, Zaid’s dead.
I suspect his favorite ride at Dizzyland is It’s A Small World. Disney films are full of pedophilia. If one looks closely at some of Disney posters, some of the pillars of buildings are penises subliminally potrayed.
ALL DEEP STATE FOLK ARE CREEPY! Not just their lawyers.