If you watch only one video about the folly of the shutdown, this is the one – IOTW Report

If you watch only one video about the folly of the shutdown, this is the one

2 prominent doctors, specializing in immunology, break down the numbers and prove that this has been a monumental overreaction, and lockdowns are stupid AF.

Never before have they seen, in the history of mankind, the healthy shuttered indoors. It is the exact opposite of what should be happening.

Everyone’s immune systems are collectively weakening.

Statistically, places that have locked down are no better off than places that haven’t.

Give it a watch-

ht/ c. steven tucker and X

25 Comments on If you watch only one video about the folly of the shutdown, this is the one

  1. Last I checked, I don’t need government permission to live my life as a free man.
    God allowed me to draw breath. That was the only permission I needed. Government inflicts restrictions on the free man.

    Advice from medical professionals is advice only.

    I am not reckless. I take precautions. When near democrats I wear a condom when I get within 6 feet.

  2. I have been working at a reduced capacity. HVAC (Mask, gloves, bleach & shit like distancing)

    The fucking builders better fucking pay what they have been invoiced or I’m cancelling their fucking contracts!

    I WILL NOT TOLERATE the “I can pay you 75% or Nothing”

    I am healthy, pump Iron 3 times a week, and climb ladders 6 days a week.

    I disinfect & cleanse with “Bud” and “Kentucky Straight” nightly.


    Old age homes are getting decimated due to our wonderful government incompetence while food service & grocery stores are pushing their employees to the limit of working under stress.

    The WHO got every FUCKING thing wrong & Turdo takes it up the ass from CHYNA daily.

    I would rather die living than hiding in a basement listening to The CBC!

    Fuck Turdeau! Fuck the Pope! AND Fuck CHYNA!

  3. @PHenry – I have come up with a design for when you go to those rallies, ask @BFH about it…you just might be the first trial run user.

    Thanks @BFH, found the vid this afternoon and will absolutely get to.

    @Kcir – you have EVERY right to be fucking pisssed!!!

  4. This is where Snohomish County, Washington stands on this socalled “pandemic” as of a few days ago:” (graphic plot)


    (please look at it)

    You tell me: Would an average adult American conclude that staying at home is no longer necessary? (As if it ever was.)

    And yet, the idiot mayors in this county issued this statement this week:


    There are times when I don’t think there’s any hope for us in this State (at least the west half).

    Stupidity – growing like a fractal in the Soviet State of Washington.

  5. Okay I just finished watching the whole thing.

    If you don’t watch the whole thing, start at 27:33 and watch for a few mins about gloves, masks, and immunology.

    And it is important you listen to a couple sentences starting at 37:00.

    You should listen to the whole thing and hear the phrase repeated over and over, “millions of cases, small number of deaths.” Especially note that healthy people shouldn’t be quarantined.

    Those are my notes for the impatient.

  6. My question is what good are gloves if you do not change them after every time you touch some thing?
    Go to the store and they help one person, make change, and then they help you and give you the dollar that they just took from the person in front of you.
    It is BS.

  7. @Jimmy – that chart you sent ‘offended me’. It reminded me of a constant middle finger? Very graphic…

    I think, sometimes, like that.

    We live next to both WhuFlu ‘ground zeros’ in NY, here in lower Westchesta, and we are NOT afraid…frustrated and pissed like others here @iOTW if anything.

  8. Maybe I missed the explanation in the 1000’s of hours of press conferences and the rest, but there’s one question that I haven’t heard answered. What is Coronavirus? All I’ve ever heard is “It’s not the ‘flu” or “It’s not like ‘regular’ ‘flu.”

    Okay, so it’s not the ‘flu or “regular” flu? So, what is it then? It has “‘flu-like symptoms”. So, it’s like the ‘flu, but it’s not flu? All I know from all this is that it’s “very dangerous”, but so is the ‘flu (and across all demographics). No one has even compared it to the well-known Spanish ‘flu, except to talk about the social aspects of it — like quarantine. But the Spanish ‘flu killed healthy people within hours and with all kinds of very strange symptoms and terrible damage to the body.

    Anyway, as far as I know, no one has come out with a cogent explanation of what Covid19 actually is.

  9. @AA – Here is a good explanation:
    Coronaviruses are named for their appearance, Johns Hopkins Medicine reports. Under the microscope, the viruses look like they are covered with pointed structures that resemble a crown — or in Spanish, a corona.

    There are many types of coronaviruses that already exist and can cause mild illnesses. Human coronaviruses were first identified in the mid-1960s, the CDC says. The other six that can infect people are:
    •MERS-CoV (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome)
    •SARS-CoV (severe acute respiratory syndrome)

  10. Not necessarily, if you never touched anything that made contact with you personally you could take the gloves off when you got home, take a shower immediately, followed up with a sauna, then a bath with a cup of chlorine for every 10 gallons of HOT water. Then you would be safe. If everyone did that we would have this beat.

  11. Everybody can just blow me…. I went to a grocery today that had a giant sign at their door that read “DO NOT ENTER WITHOUT A FACE COVERING” and I suggested to my buddy that we should remove all of our clothes and cover our faces with our teeshirts and go the fukc in…. He’s hispanic and was afraid…. we went to another store that would take my money without a fukcing mask…. FUKC ALL THESE FUKCING FAGGOTS! I hope they all succumb to the kungflu!

  12. @ AbigailAdams

    Coronavirus is a False-Flu-Flag folly fashioned to flout the freedoms and flog the finances of families and to fornicate the November elections.

    Is that a run-on sentence?
    Is that mistletoe above my ass?

  13. Ain’t got time to watch a video like this. I’m waiting for the next press conference so I can hear how many ventilators we’re going to send to Albania.

  14. sylvia…
    i read it as a fact filled sentence. tho you omitted flu d’etat and did not use the word flatulence
    hahahahaha…is that mistletoe above my ass. gonna reuse that lots. too long for a screen name. maybe just initials “i.t.m.a.m.a”


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