If you were vaxxed, would you care if a family member came to Thanksgiving unvaxxed? And why not? – IOTW Report

If you were vaxxed, would you care if a family member came to Thanksgiving unvaxxed? And why not?

My answer is no. And the reason is, I am not a fucking idiot.

52 Comments on If you were vaxxed, would you care if a family member came to Thanksgiving unvaxxed? And why not?

  1. As I have mentioned before, I got the J&J for a single reason: if I wanted to go to scout summer camp I had to get it to satisfy the scoutmaster. I would not have gotten it otherwise.
    I have made a point of taking vitamins and staying physically fit. I certainly think about the mask/vax rules a lot since I still have to deal with them, but what I don’t think about is my risk should I catch the covid. And I would have the same low level of concern had I not gotten the jab. It just doesn’t cross my mind. In fact, like childhood chickenpox I almost wish I would get it, just to get it over with.

  2. I’m not vaxxed and I don’t give a fuck about who is.

    We never stopped getting together where I live, and it is in a metro area. July 4th, 2020 all the neighbors that were smart enough to already know what this shit is got together for our annual celebration. No masks, obviously no vax, and no one got sick.

    We never stopped with the holidays. No one got sick.

    I would be more fearful of the vaxxed coming in with some new mutation that Fuckie has concocted.

  3. I never think about Covid until I go out in public and see 50% of the sheeple still voluntarily wearing masks. I would never ask anyone their vax status. Unlike the narrative vaccines never protect communities, when they work they protect the individual. This is just another way to divide the country and cause a bunch of chaos over the holidays.

  4. This broad is either an intentional idiot, or the Asian community is not as smart as we thought they were.
    We got this fool and the dumb bitch medical correspondent from CNN, who hums her damn M’s like they are escaping through her nasal cavity.
    I don’t care if you are death jabbed or not, you’re welcome for the holidays. Just bring a good bottle of wine.

  5. I am not vaxed, I have no plans to get vaxed. With that said. I’m 62 retired with a pension, working 5-7 days a month as a contract instructor at a maritime school. In the Free state of Florida. So far they have held the line on vaccines. They have a don’t ask policy. When that changes, I’m gone.
    My 33 year old son works for Southwest Airlines and can not afford to say no.
    I hate the TPTB for this shit and hole some painful evil befalls them.

  6. If I were vaxxed – uh no. No I wouldn’t care if the came without the plandemic poison or the flu or any other vaccine. I wouldn’t ask, demand to know because it’s not my business. At this point I choose to be around the unvaxxed because I think the vaxxed are dangerous.

  7. My wife’s sister is coming into town soon. They will be staying with my wife’s brother. My wife says I cannot go see her and her husband because I am not vaccinated.

    I am the only one in that side of the family that is not jabbed. Her sister does have a number of health issues and doesn’t want me to infect her.

    She & her husband are big fans of NPR.

  8. Not vaxxed, never will be. That being said, if I was vaxxed, I don’t give a rat’s ass what people do to their bodies, they are free to make their own choices. I’m not a liberal, I don’t look for shit to bitch about.

    Side note – I never wear a mask in public, but I have noticed on many occasions when I’m at the register, I’ll have a masked person right on my heels. I sometimes wonder if they are doing it to get a rise out of me and hope I start something, so they can spout their mask agenda bullshit?? When I keep quiet, because it surely doesn’t bother me, they tend to back off to about six feet. Just something I have noticed the past several months.

  9. This bitch is obviously a Chinese agent sent here by the Chinese to assist the Biden coup in making us all little obedient serfs. Fuck here.

    The wife and I are vaxed. Cancer. Or we wouldn’t be. At the advice of my Docs to protect me from the unvaxed. And I’m around my kids all the time.

    PS, we both agreed no more jabs.

  10. i dont give a rats ass if you are not pure blood, you wont kill me.

    But my wifes family are a bunch of bully liberals for the most part and i dont attend their bitch sessions. One of them even texted everyone knowing my wife and i refuse to get the witches brew and told us to “trust the CDC”. LOL, can you believe that sht? Frkin morons still think flight 370 is missing and the Menendez brothers are innocent. Hell, they’re still upset about Reagan.

    A pack of hyenas and we both take pleasure in telling them we wont take it.

  11. @I Am The Evil White Man – I had a choice, and I wanted to attend the camp. There was no option that involved attending the camp and not getting jabbed. I am not afraid of the jab, but I recognize that it is dangerous enough that young people should not get it in most cases. I recommend that people make their own decision.

  12. I had SARS-CoV-2 last year and survived. I’m not planning on taking an experimental medical treatment for an illness with a survival rate > 99.9%. When I already have natural immunity. That would be stupid.

  13. My wife works for an unnamed government entity (for about 8 more months) and my daughter is a nursing home nurse. They are vaxxed and unhappy about it but they are travel buddies and figure when the ban on interstate travel goes into effect they’ll be ookay.

    I live in fear (with grace of Jesus Christ) of them and all you vaxxed people.

    You can come to my house but you are not allowed to breathe directly on me for at least 2 months after your jab. It stops working then.

  14. I just spent two days at Universal studios Florida with tens of thousands of other people with NO MASKS. Who knows who took the jab or not. From what I have learned it makes no difference. I’m not afraid of your germs. I leave it in God’s hands.

  15. Another question would be:

    Q: If you are NOT vaccinated, would you invite your vaccinated relatives over to Thanksgiving?

    Possible answers:

    A: Not if they’re Democrats since I don’t want any of their shit on me.

    A: No in any case if they voted for Clinton and/or Biden.

    A: No. If they’re vaxxed, they’re probably fat Liberals who will consume my entire cheese plate.

    A: Only if they stand in the special, designated ventilator area to suck their shed COVID spikes out of my clean house.

    A: If they’re Democrats and voted for Biden, they have to first agree that the election was stolen and Trump won. Then, they have to listen to me lecture them about not doing their own research and watching the TV news propaganda. Then, they have to kiss my ass and go home.

  16. Taking care of my elderly mother and having a sixty four old wife with too many health issues made me decide to get the J&J jab. I had a full day of racing heart and low fever and a few months of feeling weak after. That was six months ago and I’m feeling great now but doubt I’ll do it again.

  17. One would have to be a window licking moron as a vaxxed person to fear the unvaxxed. Either the vax works or it doesn’t. If it works, the vaxxed have nothing to fear from being around the unvaxxed. If it doesn’t work then the vaxxed have been duped into being guinea pigs in a human genome experiment.

    Who was it that said it was easier to fool people than it is to convince them that they had been fooled?

  18. Not vaxed. Will not take it. Why would I be concerned with what others do? In reality, I will pray for anybody that has taken the shot (I know my brother has), as nobody knows how these will affect our bodies over time; not too mention the 1000s of deaths so far.

  19. I am vaxxed on my doctor’s advice due to my age. He said we’ll get it eventually and it will lessen the symptoms. I don’t care what choice anyone makeson Trump’s vaccine (Biden’s words).

  20. I’m with General Malaise. I do not want to be in the same room with any of my relatives who are Democrats. They carry a virus a million times more dangerous than any flu.

  21. I posted above as to why I got the vax but didn’t comment on what if unvaccinated family or friends visiting. I have no worries or fears about being around them and no suggestions as to them being vaccinated. It’s a personal matter period.

  22. @Anonymous October 9, 2021 at 2:29 pm –

    “…Simple, no vax no food! In fact the non-vaxed guests are kept in a rented-heated tent outside on the front lawn. Have a nice day…”

    Groucho, is that you?

  23. The only reason I ask about anyone’s vax status is to add to my database of personality types that choose one way or the other.
    Call it morbid curiosity.
    No vax in most of my family as I have enough Ziverdo kits, 12Mg Ivermectin tabs, and hydroxychloroquine tabs to do 50 people, and enough horse dewormer to …….choke a horse.
    From day one, I called this a scam, and now, news coming out at OAN is showing overwhelming proof that this is a depopulation effort planned for a decade or more.


  24. Vaxxed, because I’ve lost count of how many of my patients I’ve lost to COVID. REAL COVID, not vague bullshit made to sweeten the numbers and increase billables. If I become symptomatic, there are only strangers to half-ass the replacing of me and that’s not gonna happen on my watch.

    I’m still in their faces, kissing their foreheads goodbye, touching them skin to skin without gloves because we so soon forget how loss of real touch depressed our AIDS patients. Cleaning their mouths out as they’re actively dying and can’t swallow anymore, they’re coughing in my face.

    God’s got me. I am here at His command and through all of this He has been the one to keep me safe, the vaccine would only abate my symptoms if I contracted it. Which I have not, by the grace of God.

    Anyone at Thanksgiving like this dumb bint should fear me, I am a Typhoid Mary and I would get all up in her cheddar, let God sort us out.

  25. No, not at all concerned. The only possible increased risk is to that pers on, and it is the same risk they take every day when they get out of bed. Both groups can “catch” the bug, be infected to the same shedding levels, just the unvaxxed slightly more likely to end up with symptoms requiring medical intervention (the vaxxed are walking spreaders and “feel fine”). Once you get to hospital intervention I though I read recently that the outcomes are slightly worse for vaxxed persons.

  26. Had no choice in order to keep my job in Bronx. NY to get the vaccine and decided on J&J. Only one shot and no problem so far. I say my prayers everyday and pass my concern to Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior. Bible says Do not fear. I can’t. I did this for out lives to survive. So sorry I had to. I pray for guidance everyday and now trust and faith is key!!

    Say your prayers everyday!!!

    God Bless us all!!!


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