If Your Friends Could See You Now – IOTW Report

If Your Friends Could See You Now


Since 2022, Carnival’s stock has taken a nosedive. What used to be a value-driven, family-friendly, and singles cruise line has now degraded into what many are calling the “Walmart” of cruising—marked by bloody brawls and block party hoodlum antics. Folks are now wondering why Carnival has gone full “ghetto.”

This new reputation as a black “fight club” has damaged Carnival’s brand. Unfortunately, this shift aligns with the darkest stereotypes of black culture: violence, uncontrolled emotions, and a lack of social graces. More

45 Comments on If Your Friends Could See You Now

  1. Let’s be clear about stereotypes. They do NOT come into being or regular use/belief because 1 person behaves a certain way…or 10, or 100, or even 1000 (in a population of millions). They come about because virtually EVERY video you see, story you see or read about related to crime, violent crime, etc. involves them. Back when this behavior was NOT the case, certain folks MANUFACTURED lies in order to demonize groups – the same way it is done now about acts of white on black/POC racism (that are 99% fake). Just behave. With ubiquitous cameras these days, the kinds of lies of the past won’t hold water, and if behavior improves, the stereotypes will simply fade away. LOL…I don’t even believe the behavior will ever change…I just threw that in for fun…

  2. When given leave to behave as they wish, black people’s behavior averages out to what we see presented. This is not a racist comment, it is a truth visible to anyone who would look. The fact that they consistently prove the old white racists (young ones too) correct is a matter doe another discussion.

  3. Both Mrs. RMM and I are old enough that we both moved across an ocean on ocean liners. I do not understand cruise ships. They are big. They are ugly. I have read that there are so many that they overpower the ambiance of places such as Venice. I hope their charm dissipates.

    On the other hand, I would love to sail to Europe on the Queen Mary 2, a real ocean liner.

  4. Scott Adams was one of the first to tell people to move away from black people.
    The culture they create and the apologist liberals who make excuses for them and convince the black kids they’re the real kings and queens and aren’t subject to normal behavior have completely destroyed black culture.
    I have a few friends who are black who are not happy about this but unfortunately they don’t have any kind of big soapbox.

  5. Until the Black community makes vast changes (most likely impossible) or society starts demanding civilized behavior from these people it will only get worse. They’ve been allowed their loud, violent and attention seeking behavior in the name of “social justice”. It’s high time that society demand they once and for all assimilate. Lowering standards / expectations for any group simply drags the rest of us down.

  6. Mr.Liberty: yesterday I watched a video of a police chase. The original stop was for speeding and not having a license plate. The guy took off because he had a suspended driver license. He ended up turning a ticket into a felony.

    One of the first comments was “When he finally got out of the car at [whatever the time was], why wasn’t I surprised?

  7. When polite culture breaks down and there is no law enforcement to impose proper behavior you get anarchy, mob mentality and survival of the fittest.

    Polite culture is taught and enforced at home, law enforcement is imposed when government is willing to put forth the effort. What is left when both are removed in what I posted yesterday “culturicide.” It’s ugly, violent and dangerous.

  8. (to the tune of “Southern Cross”)

    Got out of town
    On a ship for the Southern islands
    Sailing a ship
    Across Carribean seas

    She was filled with thugs and hos on the inside
    And not nearly enough

    Off the wind on the balconies I smelled the ganja
    And 80 keys of crack smoke nicely filled the companionways

    From a noisy bar on the Lido deck came screams and shouting,
    And it spilled out to the cafeteria and ruined the buffet…

    Screaming bout…
    Scream about how many times
    They’d been hoeing

    Throwing hands high and low,
    Long fake nails gorging

    Weaves flying out everywhere
    Fake eyelashes a’blow…owing

    I have been arou…ouu..ound the world,

    Running from som3 burly girls

    As food, clothes, and chairs they hurled,

    ’cause thats what they do,

    Yeah, what they do…

    (Apologies to Crosby, Stills, and Nash)


  9. You will NEVER skip the fact that generically Africans are Africans dating back to their tribal roots. They jump, bounce, beat drums, chant, riot, gang bang, shoot, knife, fight and anything else to stir up strife. There is always the exceptions at the individual level but we don’t have a race problem, we have a problem race.

  10. They have -0- impulse control and their first reaction to anything is violence. They do not fear punishment any longer because of lazy prosecutors and judges make deals routinely to have these thugs plea to lesser charges so they don’t have to go through the work of preparing for a trial. Murders get plead down to involuntary manslaughter and they’re out in a couple years if they serve time at all.

  11. Ever notice that Blacks self-segregate? They like to congregate together. The last company meeting I attended before I retired all the Blacks sat together as a group… but WE’RE the Racists! A few years ago that never happened, at least in our company. I just shook my head and wondered what the Hell are we coming to?
    We can all thank the divisionist tactics of the Left for tearing apart the fabric of American society!

  12. Beachmom. it was not only Scott Adams who has been ostracized because he dared to tell the truth about black culture but also John Derbyshire from England who used to do commentary and a radio program for National Review who was shit canned because he also spoke the truth about the perils of the black culture. I miss them both and want them both back and want Dilbert to come back snarkier than ever.

  13. …but lets back it down a bit from “They”. Ive worked, and work, closely with “Black” people who have ranged from very light to almost deep purple in hue, from here and from all over the world; broken bread with them, celebrated Jesus with them, put out fires with them, saved lives with them, and Im here to tell you that “they” are NOT an amorphous, undiciplined mass incapable of control or restraint or anything else held to be virtuous, but that prove that skin color is NOT destiny, and that people with darker skin than me can be as good or better in every way than people with lighter skin than me.

    Black people are not condemed to being an evil “They” by their skin color. I refuse to accept that.

    And that makes what the Communists have done to them that much more tragic.

    Black people as a group are treated by Democrats as inferior, told they have no behavoural standards, that being industrious or educated is “Acting White”, that striving for middle class success is “Being Bougie (slang for “Bourgeoisie”) isnt “Keeping It Realz”, and that trying to improve their minds and imcrease their standards in any way is somehow “forgetting their roots”. As the “cultural” gatekeepers, Democrats constantly message Blacks with what HOLLYWOOD thinks they should be, and politicians pander to their lowest common denominator with false visions of having been “held back” by YT and divisive promises about how they are somehow “owed” a living because of the crimes of some long-dead Whites against some long-dead Blacks, interspersed with messages that all YT is evil and they will never get their due because of it unless they have Democrats take it FOR them.

    After 60 years of professionally taught hopelessness and helplessness in this country alone aimed at a particular demographic, you cannot be surprised when that demographic starts to BELIEVE it.

    Yet this frees no one from personal responsibilty, nor should it.

    But Democrat will tell you it DOES. Then bend the laws to try to make it so.

    …what you see on that ship is not the Black people I know, not the Hatian American that did chest compressions as I did breaths to save the life of a young Hispanic man; not the man I worked with for 20 years who worked HIMSELF out of public housing into being a rental property owner who sent his two children through college; not the young lieutenant I ran fire with who rose to Chief through hard work and long nights before DEI was a “thing”; what I saw on that ship was not they, but instead were spoiled children taught to feel both entitled and victimized to where they felt that rules of behavoir and codes of conduct do NOT apply to them, and that venting the emotions of the moment is “keeping it real” because thats what movies and TV tell them, and the fact they are not held to higher standards by school and government only reinforces.

    Would you expect Clarence Thomas to pull off his shirt and throw hands in a passageway? Do you think Candace Owens would be ripping out weaves by the poolside?

    Look here also. Do any of you here think MJA or 99th Squad Leader, to name just two, would behave like this? I would seriously question YOUR brains, or lack thereof, if you DO.

    Judge people by who they are, not by their shading.

    I am not Bedford Forrest or Robert Byrd or Bull Conner (all Democrats) because I have a similar skin color. I am not “They”.

    Not all Black people are “they” either. Dont fall into the trap of hating good people along with bad solely based on skin tone.

    Because thats what Democrats and the devil WANT you to do.

  14. SNS – Ive worked, and work, closely with “Black” people who have ranged from very light to almost deep purple in hue,

    So have I, but as a result of the Left bringing back “racism” in the past 16 years or so I have noticed more and more the self-segregation of Blacks to congregate amongst themselves while fomenting a real racism of Hate Whitey., White Supremacy and even Hitler, none of which is true! So who’s the real racist here???

  15. See what happens when democrat DAs go after the victims? How bout the MSM hiding, downplaying, and justifying black crimes while magically blaming white victims?

  16. 100% what SNS said.
    One of my favorite books is Up From Slavery, by Booker T. Washington. The book does two things for me: it tells his story as a former slave (he was a baby during the Civil War), and also tells his amazingly inspirational story of wanting to read and to teach so badly that he spent every moment devoted to making that happen – and then spread that motivation to those he taught.
    And I think most black Americans had a lot more in common with Booker until the 1960s, fighting Jim Crow laws in some areas and working toward the American Dream. And then LBJ and The Great Society happened. And we all see the result. Like nearly every federal program it did the opposite of what it claimed. Whether that was a miscalculation or intentional is up for discussion. Sad, we could all be getting along just fine with a handful of exceptions instead of millions, had we focused on liberty instead of handouts. Like the sign says,

  17. Harry
    SUNDAY, 7 JULY 2024, 13:01 AT 1:01 PM

    Some do, and there is group pressure, but its still individuals who make the choice.

    But those choices can be manifest by the company they keep.

    I have played bagpipes in a Black Church of Christ and mourned the passing of a pastor in an urban Black Baptist church.

    But I would never be tolerated a moment in an AME church, or accepted in a rap club, and I know that.

    …Its still a long way from “some Blacks” to “all Blacks”, is all Im saying.

    Im not stupid enough to think I wouldnt be condemned for my White skin in groups that have been fed race hatred for decades, and I do avoid such gatherings out of self preservation.

    But one-on-one and man to man, Im not going to reject a man until he rejects me.

  18. The last job my mother had was working in the finance office of a small community college. I don’t think she was racist before that, but that job certainly changed her. The black women were the worst, they literally thought the finance office was an ATM. If they couldn’t get what they wanted they often became violent.

  19. There are millions of decent black people who want nothing more then to be left the fuck alone to raise their families. I know, I’ve met many of them.

    That leaves 38 or so million niggers who would just as soon cut your throat as eat a popsicle. I know, I’ve met and seen many of them as well.

    My solution is simply not to live anywhere where I’ll see more then 1 or 2 a year, if that. Does that mean white people are angels? Hell no but the fact is well over 50% of violent crime in this country is committed by about 5% of the population. And that 5% is committing more and more because of gutless pols.

    If you think you can keep pulling the trigger on an empty chamber…well good luck. Since I moved out of LoDo in Denver, my cars have never been broken into, I haven’t been assaulted on the street, I can walk around any of the neighborhoods I’ve lived in at any time of the day or night, my homes have not been robbed, I see little if any graffiti and my communities are generally well kept.

  20. The only prominent black to denounce their ‘lifestyle’ was Cosby and look what happened to him.

    Either they railroaded him, or he was as lousy a schmuck as any “magic johnson” with the countless children with countless welfare whore mamas.

    The rest can’t celebrate enough their ‘gangsta-ness’


  21. 13% of the population is black, but they cause 90% of the misery. But – at least 13% of blacks are good citizens. It’s just the ghetto culture blacks, the DEI grifters (like fani willis) and political griftera (sharpton obama) who cause all the pain.

  22. Oh, FFS. Give the negroes a break.

    Read anything about the Vikings, for instance? Quarrelsome, argumentative, prone to violence (among themselves and others).
    How about the Palestinians? Hateful, arrogant, rapists, torturers, and murderers?
    The Communists under Mao?
    The Communists under Lenin and (later) Stalin?
    The Apache?
    The Mongrel hoards?
    The Mohawks?

    Keep it in perspective.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  23. While I agree with most of what SNS said, still statistics cannot be denied. Over 50% of violent crimes in the U.S., are committed by less that 5% of the population, i.e. young black males. So it would be wise to avoid large congregations of these if you want to remain healthy.

  24. I worked at a chemical plant where the administrators knew the score. Whenever they had to fire a black, male employee, they always had a sheriff’s deputy present. The deputy waited behind a door in the plant managers office at the moment the firing occurred. More often than not, the deputy had to suddenly intercede when the black employee became violent. That saved the plant manager from getting a beating in his own office. Sad, but true. This was around 1980.

  25. About a month ago, my wife and I took a Viking ocean cruise to Alaska. In one port, a Carnival ship was docked. We walked around town and came to a place where a tribe of Carnival dindus was congregating on the sidewalk, instead of an open area about ten paces away. Said tribe was forcing whites to step out into the street to proceed.

    I have difficulty feeling badly about my race given the behavior of theirs.

  26. “Not all Black people are “they” either. Dont fall into the trap of hating good people along with bad solely based on skin tone.

    Because thats what Democrats and the devil WANT you to do.”

    Exactly, SNS

    Yes. this is a long comment. Get comfy if you’re interested.

    The real blame for this evil black culture epidemic belongs to the leftist State. The effect is a criminalized population that erodes the safety and security of the whole country. What racist, leftist socialist government did to black lower class Americans was diabolical social(ist) engineering. Intentional isolating and corrupting a group of people who are easily manipulated to control and reduce their population and make them predatory criminals.

    The massive group of black lower class in the north originated from the south. They were running from the Democrat controlled cities in the south, so they mass migrated to northern cities mostly to find jobs in factories get a “fresh start” – from the frying pan to the fire.

    White Ellison Island immigrants who occupied the original ghettos would soon be replaced by these lower class migrating Southern blacks.
    The white ghetto dwellers were given incentives (small business loans, relocation funds with welfare, etc.) to leave the ghettos to move across the United States. A lot of northern black lower class were left to compete jobs, displaced and if able left the ghettos as well.
    The now large lower class black population in the ghettos were also given incentives – welfare mainly, to stay in the ghettos.

    Soon, the progressive, State government introduced a drug/gang culture made famous in Harlem during the twenties. Then in the sixties a Marxist, “hate whitey” culture in the form of the Black Panthers. Next, Hip Hop/Rap of the eighties that brought on the rabid depraved black culture, plus all the previous existing manufactured destructive cultures that exist today in the “hood”.

    How was all this manipulation possible? The State played on the insecurities, paranoia and self destructive tendencies of the mostly uneducated black lower class.
    The damage of the left’s social(ist) engineering is so ingrained in today’s hoodrat/urbanites and any other black American communities participating in the black culture epidemic, it will have to take an act of God to eradicate it.

    Until, lower class black Americans get a wake up call they are willing to answer, their deadly clown shows will continue. The barbaric behavior needs a deterrent that the State or these lower class communities must eventually be forced to accept.

  27. “Look here also. Do any of you here think MJA or 99th Squad Leader, to name just two, would behave like this? I would seriously question YOUR brains, or lack thereof, if you DO.”
    Again, you nailed it, SNS.

    Speaking for myself, I try to walk away from confrontations, but if things get physical, I carry attitude adjusters…just saying.

    As for disagreeable family members they are ghosted until and if they regain their senses.

  28. How long have we been playing Guess The Race? This has been going on for decades. And, of course, Carnival has never been value-driven, family-friendly. My wife and I took our first cruise together back in ’99 and even then you could hear the Carnival ship clear across the harbor. It’s always been a booze cruise, known for a good 20 years for losing passengers overboard because the bar never closes.

    PS Agree with some of Do The Maff.

    The only prominent black to denounce their ‘lifestyle’ was Cosby and look what happened to him.

    They railroaded him because black people were starting to listen. How many people really believe, if Brandon is forced out, they’re go to let Chlamydia have it? The reason you see so much of this behavior these days is the Lefties made a hero out of George Floyd, one of an ever-growing line of career criminals who were stupid enough to kill themselves by their own animality (Remember Freddie Gray in Baltimore, Trayvon Martin the son Zippy never had, Michael Brown the Gentle Giant from Ferguson MO?).

    The Demos tell a certain class of black it’s OK to act like jigaboos fresh from the jungle. 160 years ago you were slaves and had been for 200 years before that. You missed out on all that savagery and now it’s time to go back to the jungle. Funny part is, tribes like the Masai and the Zulu had a lot more discipline, but the people we have today are from West Africa and were easy prey for the Moselms and tribes like the Ashanti.

    Yeah, there are a lot of good blacks, but, until they stand up against the dindu “culture” and the Demos, they get tarred with the same brush.

  29. formwiz
    MONDAY, 8 JULY 2024, 6:57 AT 6:57 AM

    I am not Black, so unlike Democrats I cannot pretend to speak for Black people, I can only report what I see.

    And what I see, what you talk about, what Do The Maff talks about, is that its a culture problem being steered by politics, mostly from politicians refusing to deal with young men and women who commit crimes, a politicized “educational” system that teaches those young men and women that “White Racism” will always hold them back unless they TAKE whats “Theirs” or a politician does it for them, and “cultural norms” set by Democrats in movies, music, and TV that reinforce their supposed helplessness and lionize “Thug Life”.

    On an individual level, the man I worked with I mentioned that worked his way out of the hood also spent time on the floor telling new Black male employees to pull their pants up, nothing any White supervisor would dare do. He did this in a literal sense, in some cases physically doing it for them, in others trying to mentor them. He had daughters and took the quality of their suitors quite seriously too, and like I say he came up in the projects, was a rather physically imposing bald man, and could ABSOLUTELY throw down if he had to.

    He didnt want his children and grandkids to come up in want like he did, you see, nor any of the young Black men actually trying to work. But he was no politician, just one man doing what he could.

    The Baptist minister I spoke of ministered in a chruch in a historically Black community, so Black it did DEI hiring for its police force before those initials were known, insisting on only Black officers for their Black population. Being a poor community vying for a limited supply of Black sworn officers, they didnt get the best, tensions mounted, and the City lost their PD because no one would insure it. I was going to a mixed church in this community at the time, and although he was Baptist and we Pentecostal, he and our minister would preach back and fourth in each other’s churches and our congregations celebrated Jesus together. This minister you never heard of because he WASNT the kind to preach “Black Jesus” or liberation theology or fan the flames of racial division or hatred of police; no Jessie Jackson or Al Sharpton he, just a true Man of God ministering to his congregation and his community as well as he could, preaching healing and love and serving to calm tensions, mitigate disputes, feed the hungry, and save some souls along the way.

    A good man he, who did what he could and made a difference in many lives. But without the sort of divisive message the Democrats love, a man also fated to never have a reach beyond his hometown, but what he COULD do within that reach, he DID.

    …the point here is that yes, there IS a culture problem, yes people DO need to be responsible for their own actions, and yes people SHOULD mentor their youth to be as God would have them; but those people like I describe above and many thousands more seem few in numbers because they are never given the national microphone, and their impact small because the State overrides them at every turn by licensing base behavior and promoting hate in manditory indoctrination centers, because it serves their political purposes.

    And these people have to LIVE in these neighborhoods too. Going to a possibly corrupt police department to snitch on drug activity when your name will be prominently published and theres no consequences for assault and arson isnt a recipe for a long life for your family, as you might imagine; and baddass though you may be, you cant be home all the time nor awake all the time and they know it, and so will your family.

    …I dont have the answers here in something that Democrats have been baking into the system for generations, but I do know that MOST of the problem is that this evil is promoted and allowed to continue because it serves the devil and his Democrats; and until its addressed on THAT level, you will not see a massive cultural shift that is needed to consign these actions and these stereotypes to the ash heaps of history.


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