If You’re A Pabst or Old Milwaukee Drinker, Better Stock Up While You Can – IOTW Report

If You’re A Pabst or Old Milwaukee Drinker, Better Stock Up While You Can

Pabst Brewing is preparing to sue MillerCoors for “breach of contract, breach of anti-competition laws, fraud and misrepresentation.” The two beer makers had an agreement where MillerCoors would brew Pabst legacy brands that had been in place for decades. The contract is due to expire in 2020 and MillerCoors has indicated that the firm can no longer afford to keep making the rivals product in its brewers.  Without a major brewer willing to make Pabst product it is unlikely the company will be able to maintain its national presence in the marketplace.  More

21 Comments on If You’re A Pabst or Old Milwaukee Drinker, Better Stock Up While You Can

  1. With all the great breweries popping up all over the suburbs, there’s no real reason to buy any big name brand beer. Except for the low price that is to be expected when consuming barley water. A few years ago breweries didn’t exist around me. Now there are at least 15 within a 10 mile radius.

  2. I regularly drink Milwaukee’s Beast Lite, it’s essentially the same as Miller Lite but cheaper.

    I drink beer like water and even brew beer. However, drinking 6 to 8 or higher ABV brews, you can’t drink them like water. That’s where the “house brand,” Beast Lite, shines. Nobody has ever been at my home on a hot day and turned one down, because of the swill factor.

  3. Yuengling Light…American owned and operated..Plus it’s fairly low

    alcohol (3.2%?) I also put them away rather rapidly…and I don’t

    get a hangover…And As I have stated here several times

    They were the first to back Trump during the election.

  4. PBR has always been my beer of choice for cooking my BEER BRATS in! I don’t even remember if I was hard up enough to drink that shit in Vietnam. But it does seem to add something to the Brats.

  5. Ballantyne, anyone?

    Burgermeister? Olympia?

    Used to buy Burgie for 99 cents a six pack, then drink them down with “Oh Boy” frozen cheeze pizzas (2 for 99 cents). Of course, empty beer cans and pizza boxes ended up in a corner of the apartment along with piles of dirty laundry. Ah, the life of a bachelor with no feminine company to complain about me being a gross-out slob.

  6. I had an idea for a new kind of beer. Hot beer, that is, hot taste, not temperature. I was going to call it Heat Blast or Fire Blast or something. Flavored with real hot peppers.

    I had the label design: A grinning skeleton wearing a German WWII army helmet and armed with a flame-thrower shooting out huge flames.

    Like my other ideas to get rich, I really didn’t have enough nerve to actually try a start up brewery.

  7. dang … there goes my Natty Bo’s @ the O’s games

    told this story several times here … when I was a young apprentice electrician & funds went more to house, gas & food, would buy Schmidt’s for $3.75 a case & return the empties for $0.75 deposit

  8. When I was a senior in high school in upstate New York in the mid 1970’s, a 6 pack of PBR was $1.50 ($1.20 on sale) which was all I could afford. Good for a 2 beer buzz before dinner.

  9. Haha. I was in the beer distribution business for 25+ years. Yes, Griesedieck Beer, and it was pronounced like it reads, was the market leader before Falstaff swung into favor. Then Coors got it’s mystique. That was taken away by Budweiser with longneck bottles and the Urban Cowboy movie. Imports always sucked because they sat on oceanliners for weeks, if not months, in blistering heat. Heat, light and age are the enemies of good beer taste.

    To those boasting about beer strength, it would be wise to know if what you’re talking about is beer strength “by volume” or “by weight”. They are entirely different measures and your debate will be shredded by anyone who knows what they’re talking about.

  10. I don’t think I have had a Pabst in over 25 years

    I am on my second case of locally brewed Leinenkugel Original beer at $11.99 + tax per case. I may take a few more cases home with me at that price.

    They brew some decent craft beers as well, but at twice the retail cost.

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