If You’re Going To Erase History, Don’t Forget To Trash The Kennedys While You’re At It – IOTW Report

If You’re Going To Erase History, Don’t Forget To Trash The Kennedys While You’re At It

Howie Carr at Boston Herald

If Abraham Lincoln and Christopher Columbus no longer pass woke muster in Boston, then it’s time for the Kennedys to go. And everything with their names plastered on it — the JFK Library and JFK federal building, his statue at the State House, the Kennedy School of Government across the river, the Rose Kennedy Greenway, the Edward M. Kennedy Whatever They Call It, etc.

Everything must go!

Profiles in Courage? The Kennedys were more like Profiles in Caucasity, as that woke Harvard gal said this week before she too got canceled. More

5 Comments on If You’re Going To Erase History, Don’t Forget To Trash The Kennedys While You’re At It

  1. To be consistent, yes, they should cancel the Kennedys. For me to be consistent, no, the cancel culture and erasing of history has already gone way too long and too far. Well, maybe that murderer (allegedly) Teddy, at least from the Senate annals

  2. How long until a statue of Lee Harvey Oswald gets a prominent place in Dallas on the grassy knoll? Oswald had more in common with the founders of Black Lives Matter than most White Colored Communists.


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