IG Report confirms Obama lied about Hillary’s emails – IOTW Report

IG Report confirms Obama lied about Hillary’s emails

WaTimes – One aspect of the Inspector Generals’ report on the FBI handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation has been a bit overshadowed by the media. The fact that President Barack Obama lied to the American people when he claimed he only learned of Hillary Clinton’s use of an unauthorized, non-secure, non-governmental email server while she was Secretary of State.

In March 2015, when the Clinton email scandal was first breaking, CBS White House correspondent Bill Plante asked Obama about his knowledge of the matter:

Plante: Mr. President, when did you first learn that Hillary Clinton used an email system outside the U.S. government for official business while she was secretary of state?

Obama: The same time everybody else learned it through news reports.

But, that’s just not so.

Sean Davis, at The Federalist, saw the footnotes showing Obama’s involvement. “FBI analysts and Prosecutor 2 told us that former President Barack Obama was one of the 13 individuals with whom Clinton had direct contact using her clintonemail.com account,” the report says in a footnote on page 89. “Obama, like other high level government officials, used a pseudonym for his username on his official government email account.”  more here

20 Comments on IG Report confirms Obama lied about Hillary’s emails

  1. It appears that all the Obama administration – including Comey – used gmail accounts to avoid government FOIA and document retention laws.

    The pervasive corruption of Obama and the Clintons has yet to be fully exposed.

  2. Has there been any actual truth told about Obamer? Even the old adage of “I lie everytime I open my mouth” doesn’t fully describe the truth of the lies.

    To borrow a movie theme will history record Obama and his cronies as the real DECEPTICONS? The transformers need lok no further. (Hope the word “con” can become a true verb for OBamer (in the slammer)).

  3. Somehow or another I think barry’s name should be Cain since he would’ve murdered all the decent people for disagreeing with him if he could get away with it. And with a sneering smile he would’ve said to God, “Am I not my homies keeper.”

  4. If it is ever determined that Obola spoke the truth, then THAT would be news!

    Everyone will just shrug and declare that liars lie – that’s what they do.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Looking at Ex-Dictator Obama and them forcing yourself to listen to this commie punk traitor speak, you come to the immediate realization that this mutant has two assholes – One in the usual place and the other located under his nose. Nothing but shit comes out of either hole.


  6. It’s really difficult for me to keep the Øbamboozler’s nickname down to less than 200 adjectives, so I’ll just leave it at calling him the the Deserter-honoring, ISIS appeasing, Iran-Funding, Jihad-coddling, maladroit, Communist plastic banana republic Manchurian Doorknob, Socialist Marxist Muzlim Mallard and lying insecure Kenyan Kreempuff Traitor!

  7. Here’s an idea: Toss every law the gov’t ever made — every one of them — that deals with the prosecution of ANY gov’t employee and replace them with the Ten Commandments. Black and white, no “nuance”, no “interpretation”, no “intent”. If you’re lying, you’re going to jail. If you’re stealing, you too. Taking kickbacks? Too bad for you. And so on.

  8. @Junius
    @The Rat Fink
    Spoken like a True racist, bigoted, black-hating Klansman cúnt, and you ARE a true racist, bigoted, black-hating Klansman cúnt.

    Just like Klansman Trump and his typical retarded white supporters. They are fúcked up in the head. Too busy sibling fúcking in your trailer. Explains why you obviously have ZERO anything about the laws of the land and how they work.

    Guess we see what happens when Black people enter the White House. the racists and bigots like you come out in full force. Trump supporters are dumb, uneducated, delusional idiots pushing for change, regardless of what disaster may entail You are living proof of that.

    Its sub-humans losers like you Klansman Trump supporters that proves whites are the most retarded unintelligent racist turd in the world. And you are the living proof.

    Obama has committed no crime! no he’s not a traitor, you fucking retard

    you have NO legit sources that state Obama lied because If such evidence existed Jeff Sessions would be prosecuting and you know it. Thus this evidence that your sure exists, that has allowed you to convict him in your mind, is complete bullshit, I’d tell you to Come back to reality and rejoin sanity, but when it comes to trashing the First Black President, you racist cunts will believe ANYTHING that makes him look bad

    Anyone with any decency that reads your post can tell you are a liar, a bigoted racist conspiracy booboisies without any creditability. You racist cunts just can’t stand it that a black man could not only be the POTUS but one of the most successful in the history of the nation.

  9. @ Questionman

    Really? Are you truly so blinded by race hatred that anyone who criticises Chicago Jesus is a bigoted inbred Klansman? You are a fool, and worse, one who thinks they are speaking “truth to power”.
    Go away little person, you are nothing but an irritant to other people.

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