IG Report Shows James Comey Lied About Why He Publicized New Clinton Emails – IOTW Report

IG Report Shows James Comey Lied About Why He Publicized New Clinton Emails

Federalist: A few hours into a House committee hearing Tuesday, Rep. Eric Swalwell asked Inspector General Michael Horowitz: “Do you agree that there is no evidence Jim Comey lied to you in your investigation?”

“We did not make any finding that he lied to us,” Horowitz answered.

Swalwell’s line of questioning was intended to summarize what the IG didn’t find—examples of improper prosecutorial decisions based on political biases revealed in text messages; definitive evidence that Hillary Clinton was guilty of a crime; or evidence that Comey leaked the existence of the Russia investigation—to set up his final question, which was, “Mr. Horowitz, do you think it’s time to move on past the Hillary Clinton emails?”

While Horowitz deflected that decision to Congress, his direct answer whether Comey lied was curious, in that his conclusion conflicts with facts and testimony detailed in his own report. Perhaps the most controversial issue the report examined was Comey’s late-October decision to notify Congress of new evidence that “may be pertinent” to the Clinton email investigation: thousands of Clinton emails found on Anthony Weiner’s laptop.

The notification came four months after Comey’s infamous July 5 press statement, in which he declared the investigation effectively closed, with no recommendation of criminal referral for Clinton to the Department of Justice. The October letter notified Congress the FBI was re-opening the investigation, and was received as if a grenade has rolled into the Clinton camp 11 days before voters went to the polls.  more here

9 Comments on IG Report Shows James Comey Lied About Why He Publicized New Clinton Emails

  1. TO Burner and all the rest of you Chicken Little Tokyo Rose Nihilists
    (you’re all well past the skeptical and cynical phase…):

    LEARN DIPLOMATIC-ese (deflection and suggestion based on what is NOT said):
    “We did not make any finding that he lied to us,” Horowitz answered.

    It IS the responsibility of the I.G. to discover and itemize FACTS. It is NOT the job/responsibility of the I.G. to make “judgments” (e.g. “he lied!”) BASED ON those facts.

    It’s the same thing as when Horowitz said he didn’t find “documentary or testimonial evidence” of bias. Did that mean he didn’t FIND any?!
    NO, because HE DID NOT SAY HE DIDN’T FIND ***TEXT MESSAGE EVIDENCE*** – which is ELECTRONIC, NOT documentary, evidence.

    Butt PLEASE, feel free to keep p!ssing on yourself, like too many here who have given up on Trump (DON’T DENY IT; THAT’S *EXACTLY* WHAT IT MEANS!). I won’t stop you. Butt please, all naysayers, consider joining the ranks of National Review/Daily Wire #NTers…or the Democrats! THEY ALL have NO trust in Trump, either!

    NEVER FORGET: Trump is NOT Bush/Clinton/Bush/Obama.

  2. Czar – sorry but when the man tells the IG he didn’t and the IG has the evidence in front of him, Then either the IG ‘finds’ the man lied or the IG is just wasting time and pissing in the wind.
    Semantics in the Swamp is endless.

  3. So Comey was afraid some regular FBI agents would leak to the press that a non-governmental employee pervert possessed on his laptop official State Dept. documents, I believe some classified? thousands, tens of thousands of them? ALSO leak that Comey was just sitting on the case doing nothing. Which is true. But didn’t he say that he wanted to be sure that IF something came up later after election, that he wanted everything squared away now so it wouldn’t be an issue later–and besides he was SO sure POTUS would not win–Comey did it because of his moral courage or something just to get things squared and off the table once and for all. So it looks like a falsehood, the moral courage story. He does not project as an honest man anyway, to me.

  4. “We did not make any finding that he lied to us,” Horowitz answered.

    in other words, “we didn’t bother to find out if he lied to us” …. plausible deniability

    … I loathe these shitweasels


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