Igloo Coolers Being Recalled for Amputating Fingers – IOTW Report

Igloo Coolers Being Recalled for Amputating Fingers

ABC News

Igloo is recalling more than 1 million of its coolers sold across the U.S., Mexico and Canada due to a handle hazard that has resulted in a handful of fingertip injuries, including some amputations.

The now-recalled “Igloo 90 Qt. Flip & Tow Rolling Coolers” have a tow handle can pinch users’ fingertips against the product — posing potential amputation and other crushing risks, according to a Thursday recall notice from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.

Igloo has received 12 injury reports in the U.S., the CPSC notes, which include fingertip amputations, bone fractures, and lacerations. Consumers in possession of the coolers are urged to stop using them immediately — and contact Igloo for a free replacement handle. More

More specifics on the recall Here

25 Comments on Igloo Coolers Being Recalled for Amputating Fingers

  1. I have a friend who went to move an A Frame temporary construction sign and it closed and scissored a couple fingers off. That long folding handle on those coolers makes for a good shear.

  2. I had expected it was the lid doing the damage, but it’s the handle. If you own one of these treat the handle with the greatest of care or contact Igloo and get it replaced.

  3. In my job we call things that present like this “pinch points”. We learn to recognize them and avoid putting appendages where they can get lopped off. But we don’t have degrees in various “studies” so you probably don’t need to bother with our ideas of recognizing risks.

    I’m glad my lawnmower has a sticker that says I shouldn’t put my hand in the grass exhaust port of the mower deck. Lord knows what would have happened otherwise.

  4. @SNS: “…but, conveniently, if you DO cut a finger off, you have a cooler RIGHT THERE you can put them in to keep them fresh til you get to the hospital…”

    No, no, no. Fingers live at body temperature. If you lop one off with the handle of a cooler, or the door of a car, or with your new kitchen knives, swallow the finger immediately. It will remain at body temperature and stay hydrated. This is critical for the preservation of the amputated part. Stay still and calm for at least three hours to allow the severed part to reach temperature equilibrium and maximal hydration before seeking medical help. Your ER staff will be amazed and delighted with your knowledge.

  5. Lowell

    I’ve always heard your better off putting in a plastic bag and sticking it in your pocket. I’m not sure the digestive enzymes are going to do the nerve ending much good. But I believe you’re right about putting it on ice.

  6. From the recall notice: “Hazard:
    The tow handle can pinch (drunk off their ass)consumers’ fingertips (who were far too fucked up to realize what stupid shit they were about to do) against the cooler (because slamming a door or drawer on yourself escaped your notice as a bad thing) , posing fingertip amputation (Ya’ think?!) and crushing hazards.

    ETA: If you are stupid enough and can prove sufficient inebriation at the time of injury you may be entitled to compensation. Hells Bells, we’ve sued Taco Bell for your drunk ass shitting yourself in the drive through.

  7. Bad_Brad
    Friday, 14 February 2025, 20:06 at 8:06 pm

    “But I believe you’re right about putting it on ice.”

    …just to get serious for a minute, best practice is ice WATER, as ice can damage the avulsed appendage with direct contact.

    …also, its a lot funnier when Aunt Mildred sees it floating in her tea if you get the coolers mixed up when you leave the campground in a hurry…

  8. “…just skip the middleman and go with this…”

    So Amazon sales is what we’re relying on? I’ve read plenty of account about body parts being so frost bitten they couldn’t be used.

    Also I linked a story for you to read/watch. It’s pretty enlightening. The average reader would not get it. I was hoping you would.

  9. Bad_Brad
    Friday, 14 February 2025, 17:38 at 5:38 pm
    “SNS, you need to watch this.


    …you are right, BB, this is excellent and gives me hope in that RFK certainly SAYS the right things that we already knew about myocarditis, Ivermectin, fake protocols, fakevaxxx, EVERYTHING, and maybe he means it.

    Now I just want his BOSS to stop pretending the vaxxx is any good.

    And with this school thing, maybe, just maybe, he has…

  10. Bad_Brad
    Friday, 14 February 2025, 22:23 at 10:23 pm
    ‘“…just skip the middleman and go with this…”

    So Amazon sales is what we’re relying on? I’ve read plenty of account about body parts being so frost bitten they couldn’t be used.’

    …that was meant as a joke. That isnt a real human organ cooler, just a gag gift for nurses.

    I say above how you actually manage amputations, in a bag of ice water to prevent ice damage, so you are right.

    Im just trying to have a little fun with this fake cooler bag is all…

  11. SNS
    His boss just signed an EO eliminating any fed moneys to any educational system that demands the JAB for entrance. I’m not sure what more you’re after.
    To be clear, I’m the most independent thinker you’ve ever run across. When Trump screws up I’ll be vocal about it. That may come with trying to make Canada part of our country. After all those people have done an excellent job of fucking themselves raw. However, so far I’m enjoying the revenge tour.

  12. Bad_Brad
    Friday, 14 February 2025, 22:50 at 10:50 pm
    His boss just signed an EO eliminating any fed moneys to any educational system that demands the JAB for entrance. I’m not sure what more you’re after.”

    …thats what I said here, “And with this school thing, maybe, just maybe, he has…”

    Im hoping this means hes turned a corner and that him talking up things like mRNA as a CURE for cancer was just a pre-RFK smoke screen and hes ready to admit it was a deadly failure. RFK himself certainly seems to think so, and is now apparently uncensored on the subject.

    I pray the EO is just the start of the complete destruction of the deadly (Murderous, as RFK says) mRNA industry, I really, really do.

    And this does give me hope…

  13. You need to send me the videos you’ve been watching for the last 6 months. Because quite frankly I’m pretty damn happy with the way things are headed and I think you might be, LOL
    Actually that tune just seems so right for what we’re going thru right now. Thanks for giving me an excuse to post it. Shits about to get real.


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