Igloo will no longer sell styrofoam – IOTW Report

Igloo will no longer sell styrofoam

Imagine my surprise & disgust when I saw Igloo’s press release announcing a $10 biodegradable cooler that will quickly fall apart and only keep your shit cool for 12 hours. Even worse, they used a goddam longhaired bearded filthy hippie with greazy dreadlocks to model the damned cooler!

Last August the wife & I were in Katy, Texas and visited the World Galactic Headquarters of the Igloo Cooler Company. We love their stuff. Here’s me outside their HQ, standing alongside their iconic Igloo Playmate. Now that’s how American coolers should be – massive and PLASTIC.


-Mansfield Lovell



On May 1, Igloo will release a biodegradable cooler for just $10 — not made from Styrofoam — called Igloo Recool, pictured in Today’s post. Clearly, the brand understands the negative impact Styrofoam has on our environment and our bodies.”The world’s first eco-sensitive cooler made from 100-percent biodegradable materials”, states Igloo.

Igloo introduced the Recool at OR Winter Market in January. The 16-quart cooler is hard-sided and made from a mix of paraffin wax + recycled tree pulp.

The container may look like pressed paper but the material composition will hold “up to 75-pounds of weight and hold water without leaking for up to five days”.


19 Comments on Igloo will no longer sell styrofoam

  1. Good. While it is a GREAT insulator, it is old technology anyway.

    When SHIT is dumped in an Ocean, the ocean can better handle a paper cup, than YES I’ll say it, a plastic straw or handle q-tip.

    We used to make Bronx coolers back in the day.

    A cardboard BOX with, yes a plastic bag liner, and ICE.

    That was back working in the supermarket days…

    Libs have NO fucking monopoly on the environment.

    REMIND THEM of that.

    Dis Styrofoam SUCKS.

  2. Oh great, a cooler that won’t leak for five days. How about an American made Grizzly cooler that will keep ice for 7 days, probably will never leak, and will no doubt be usable for many years. It will probably last longer than me. I’ll give it to my grandson for his beer.

  3. So let me get this straight…

    The same greenies who are trying to do away with disposable grocery bags in favor of reusable, longer-lasting bags are trying to do away with reusable, longer-lasting coolers in favor of disposable coolers.


  4. I have owned the same 2 plastic 48 qt. coolers for the last 20 years. cost me about $20 apiece. that is pretty goddamn environmentally sound. no landfills involved. the dude with the filthy toes in the pic is using glass bottles that most municipality’s recycling programs won’t accept anymore, and pays $10 for a 1 time use cooler to go camping at his hippie stink fest where they crap all over the place. how earth friendly is that?

  5. ” up to 75-pounds of weight and hold water without leaking for up to five days”.

    So do incontinence underpants. But they’re $10 a box for a bunch of them. Why do we need Igloo? lol

    Is that John Beohner’s son inlaw?

  6. Looks like a paper egg carton. That can hold beer and ice. Maybe.

    I’m with the rest on this thread. Coolers don’t wear out. They last for decades.
    The is a solution searching for a problem to solve. Are the oceans teeming with carelessly discarded coolers?

    Pssssst. Virtue signaling does not sell product as the people you are seducing don’t have money.

  7. “Coolers don’t wear out. They last for decades.”

    …maybe THAT’S the problem from Igloo’s point of view, @PHenry.

    …they figure if they can shift everyone over into the Single Use crap, they can make WAY more money in selling lots of cheap ones as opposed to selling you two moderately priced ones over the course of your entire life.

    …the virtue signalling is just a bonus, as they see it.

    …for now…

  8. “Imagine my surprise & disgust when I saw Igloo’s press release announcing a $10 biodegradable cooler that will quickly fall apart and only keep your shit cool for 12 hours.”

    PASS 😡

    Have fun selling that to hippies… ONCE… 😳

  9. I’m channelling my dear departed Ww2 & Korean War vet Navy dad when I say “goddam bearded barefoot long-haired filthy hippie sonofabitch bastard! No seabreeze will dissipate the eye-watering stench radiating from that asshole who probably still lives in his grandparents basement cuz his fuckin’ parents OD’d at Coachella!”

  10. /offrant – wifey & I will stop back by Igloo World Galactic HQ this summerwhile on the way to San Antonio and load up on plasticy styrofoam goodness for cheaps before the goddam Environmental Industry completes the total fuxation of a once-great American company.

    P.s. don’t buy any Coleman crap. All their shit is made in Chinkland and Coleman is owned by Newell Brands, a soulless globalist company selling poorly made overpriced shit. Just look at Skanky Candle for proof of that fuxation.

  11. I just bought an Igloo Recooler Biodegradable Cooler and it leaked all over my countertop in less than 15 hours.

    For half the price I could have gotten an high-quality cooler that lasts for decades with responsible use. The Recooler is an ugly, overpriced cardboard box with waterproofing slathered all over it.

    After it soaked though it appears too risky to use. Ten bucks down the drain.


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