Ignoramus – IOTW Report


This is U.S. House Member Steve Cohen (D), who represents the 9th District of Tennessee.  Mr. Cohen believes in the welfare state and nearly 60 percent of the single parent female-headed households in his district with children under the age of 5 are poor.

Recently, during a house hearing on the Heartbeat Bill (that would limit abortions), Mr. Cohen interrupted proceedings to call a witness “ignorant.” He demanded an apology from the witness during the hearing and later outside the hearing room. That witness was Star Parker, founder of CURE (Center for Urban Renewal and Education).

Watch  (Cohen interrupts at 2:10)

Star Parker’s reply to Mr. Cohen Here

24 Comments on Ignoramus

  1. Cohen’s record of sexual harassment is, like so many others, legendary and rarely reported.

    Remember him screwing his “daughter” a year or so ago?

    But he gets his Good Liberal pass.

  2. He “demands.” This is what’s wrong with our government servants in a nutshell; (((Cohen))) and the rest work for us, we do not take orders from them. They need to learn to keep a civil tongue in their heads (and understand that it can be removed abruptly). POS.

  3. This retard-o called a presser to announce his Articles of Impeachment (for the umpteenth time) this morning. He was surrounded by half-wits Al Green TX., a newbie hispanic NY, and Luis Guiterrez (both repeated their cause in Spanglish).

    A few disinterested “reporters” attended and basic q’s were, are the Dems on board, and won’t this hurt the Ds coming into 2018?

    I don’t think they got the attention they expected.

  4. Cohen and few other Democrat congressmen are introducing articles of impeachment today against President Trump. He acts like this because he figures the blacks on his plantation, er sorry, his district will always vote for him regardless of how destructive he is to their lives. He’s a cowardly little man who stands behind the protection of congress to either bite the ankles of men greater then himself and to destroy the very futures of those black Americans he is supposed to represent.

  5. This idiot as well as the rest of the pompous, elitist rulers of congress remind me of why America broke from Britain.

    I’ll watching the series, POLDARK. The first two seasons are on Prime, the third is soon finishing on PBS. I am constantly amazed at how closely the aristocracy resembles the aristocracy of congress!

    Where is that Convention of States? We need balanced budget, term limits, an amendment that will forbid congress to set itself aside from laws they pass, and forbid them to add perks or decide on their own pay raises that are NOT IN LINE with those of the military!

    NON-representative Cohenis a travesty Against
    The Constitution.

  6. Steve Cohen is a boil on Tennessee’s ass. He represents Memphis, the armpit of the State, where the running joke is “What’s the best thing to come outta Memphis? I-40.” Star Parker, on the other hand, is a jewel and smart as a whip. Cohen needs to learn to pick his battles more wisely. Not holding my breath as he repeatedly shows what a complete jackass he is.

  7. Congressmen are absolutely free to identify themselves as total fools and complete imbeciles, which five of them did this morning with articles of impeachment.
    maybe the thing that confuses them is that big word impeachment, Peaches don’t grow in DC;
    There should be a method to remove Congressman for abject stupidity!

  8. Tony: it was Cohen’s obvious lie to cover for his many meetings with not his daughter. Who beared no resemblance to him in any way.

    No glasses. No bald spot. No gapped teeth. A carbon copy blonde bimbo.

    And the media covered up his Roy Moore-raquel difference in ages.

  9. Mr. Cohen seems to be threatened by a black woman who seeks to escape the plantation along with the bigotry of low expectations which has been systematically rammed down the throats of Americans deemed lesser than the occupiers of congress.

    Good for her.

  10. If Cohen was a Conservative Christian? The words incest, child molester, sexual harasser, pedophile, come to mind. Just sayin.’
    Also, dumb as a shovel, classless, and freaky looking.
    Also, odd, strange, quirky.

  11. Star Parker was way too civil in her response. My response would have been “you’re not my congressman, you’re just some random dickhead from a city stricken by liberalism who was voted into office by folks who think they need the welfare checks you promise while you continue to screw them. Either apologize to me, or get the fuck out of my face.”

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