Ignoring Psychotic Break Leads Inmate To Commit Horrendous Act – IOTW Report

Ignoring Psychotic Break Leads Inmate To Commit Horrendous Act


The woman sitting in a Chino prison cell had screaming fits every 15 minutes for four hours before she finally lay on the floor and ripped out her own eye.

Guards rushed in amid blaring alarms, but they were too late. She had swallowed it.

The woman, identified only as Inmate Patient X in federal court documents, had not been given medication despite being listed as “psychotic” while at the California Institution for Women in Chino in 2017.

A report written by Dr. Michael Golding, the chief psychiatrist for the prison system, detailed the gruesome incident in a report made public last week to highlight how the state allegedly has failed to care for some of its most vulnerable inmates. Golding alleges in the 161-page document that the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation has concealed issues surrounding the adequacy of mental healthcare and staffing in prisons from officials who could mandate changes.

Read the full story on LATimes.com.

ht/ fdr in hell

15 Comments on Ignoring Psychotic Break Leads Inmate To Commit Horrendous Act

  1. A prison isn’t a mental hospital.
    And criminals aren’t (necessarily) insane.
    It’s difficult to understand how we are no longer able to differentiate between criminal and mentally ill. The criminals have so abused the notion, and the psychiatric community is so immured in its own neuroses, that excess is rampant and we (as a society) are rendered helpless because we no longer believe in the institutions which were formulated to protect us.

    Psychiatry (as was pointed out in “Twelve Monkeys”) is the new religion and the old distinctions are abandoned. Dope users are “sick,” no longer “depraved,” yet we still incarcerate them in prisons. People who plant bombs are “crazy” rather than “evil.” The new philosophy leaves us adrift in a sea of (seeming) mendacity – where everything is formless and subjective.

    Yo! Dat bitch be whacked, yo!

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. No where in the L.A. Times story do they say what she was in for. I also bristle at the description of a prison’s “most vulnerable inmates.” They are really not the victims here–the people they injured to get put in jail are the victims.

  3. @Racer X November 6, 2018 at 8:48 am

    > They are really not the victims here–the people they injured to get put in jail are the victims.

    Thought crimes. Bad.
    (Too soon?)

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