Ilhan Appears To Be Divorcing Her First Husband For the Second Time – IOTW Report

Ilhan Appears To Be Divorcing Her First Husband For the Second Time

UK Daily Mail

Leftist congresswoman Ilhan Omar and her husband – the father of her three children – have split and are heading for their second divorce, has learned exclusively.

The bust-up comes just as critics are demanding answers as to whether she married her own brother in a successful bid to get him into the United States.

Omar has now dumped her current husband Ahmed Hirsi – who she first married in a religious ceremony in 2002 and divorced in 2008 – and moved into a penthouse apartment in one of Minneapolis’s trendiest neighborhoods, has learned exclusively.

But Hirsi, is also spending time at the apartment, which is in the Mill District sector of Minnesota’s largest city, when she is out of town. More

13 Comments on Ilhan Appears To Be Divorcing Her First Husband For the Second Time

  1. She should just be done with it and marry into a three-way with herself and the ghost of Joseph Goebbels.

    The first thought I have when I think of this …person… and her story is, “You can’t make this shit up!”

  2. Reading the story, it seems like there is a lot of money floating around in Omar and her husbands activities, possessions, and properties.

    They seem fairly wealthy.

    Where did it -the money- come from? Did they earn it legitimately or is it from some other source(s)? What have they been doing to make a living before Ilhan became a politician?

  3. As usual, it takes a British newspaper to report on the oddities of one of the highest profile political figures in the US.

    No American paper or news channel wants to tackle bigamy from a Professional Victim – much less immigration fraud with incestuous overtones.

  4. Anonymous
    JULY 27, 2019 AT 12:14 PM

    “…Did they earn it legitimately or is it from some other source(s)?”

    If they could earn money LEGITIMATELY, they wouldn’t be Democrats…

  5. Her husband found out women across america have all their parts so he decided to dump the dead fish and go shopping for a woman who actually gets animated during sex.

  6. I read somewhere: “They are divorcing in order to see other siblings.” (or something like that)

    I think this is a divorce of convenience to reduce the risk that the whole family won’t be deported when all her crap finally sees light of day in the DoJ.


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