Ilhan Omar Facing Serious Campaign Violations – IOTW Report

Ilhan Omar Facing Serious Campaign Violations

Frontpage Magazine

Recently, Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-Mogadishu) held a campaign rally with a former Somali prime minister, who spoke in her favor, noting that she would “represent Somalia” and not “the interests of the American people” in Congress. His appearance has led to an ethics complaint being filed against Ilhan Omar for violating federal election laws, and fighting those charges is likely to lead her into a world of woe. More

10 Comments on Ilhan Omar Facing Serious Campaign Violations

  1. “Ilhan Omar Facing Serious Campaign Violations”

    …no one acts on her immigration violations, support of international terrorist groups, fraudulene elections, or her incestuous marriage, so what would make anyone think THIS is gonna be a dealbreaker?

  2. For Irhan Omar Elmi to be punished by the American justice system is simply impossible today. Justice for her will have to be meted out via extra-judicial action.

  3. That bitch and all her ilk are paramount to what-the-fuck is wrong with this country.
    Removing GOD from the ‘Pledge of Allegiance’ then removing the ‘Pledge’ itself, the removal of American heroes from everything, (including the movies), remove the American flag from inside the classroom, the shit never stopped and they have NO plan to stop. We’ve been patience WAY TOO long. Retribution is WAY past due.
    Brute force in their face is all they will understand.


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