Ilhan Omar ‘Qatari asset,’ Florida court hears – IOTW Report

Ilhan Omar ‘Qatari asset,’ Florida court hears


The Democratic Congresswoman is said to have passed information to Qatar which was subsequently handed along to Iran.

Ilhan Omar was recruited by a foreign government, received funding from a foreign government, and passed sensitive information through intermediates to Iran, a Florida court has been told.The claims came during testimony by Kuwati-born Canadian businessman Alan Bender, who was giving evidence in the trial of Sheikh Khalid bin Hamad al-Thani. The Qatari emir’s brother stands accused of ordering his American bodyguard to murder two people, and of holding an American citizen hostage. His deposition, obtained by Al Arabiya English, was authenticated by the attorney for the plaintiffs, according to the publication.


13 Comments on Ilhan Omar ‘Qatari asset,’ Florida court hears

  1. Sounds like the dems need more deflection, maybe they can bring charges of interstellar obstruction and galactic interloping by Trump in a universal supernova of unintelligible bullshit.

  2. …still don’t get it?

    …all Muslims work for Islam, and on behalf of the Ummah, the believers of Islam, a concept that trancends nations and sects.

    …as Muhammad commands.

    …Muslims are loyal to NOTHING but Islam, an will work, collectively, to bring down ANY system that is not Islam. No lie is too great, no treason too far, no betrayal of kufr (non-Muslims, seen as subhuman) of any concern to them, only Islam matters.

    As Mohammad commands.

    ANY Muslim who tells you different is either a bad Muslim or a good liar.

    And Islam says to lie in the service of Islam, too.

    This is why you can’t trust Muslims, should not allow Muslim elections, and should NEVER follow a Muslim in a Democratic system.

    Because they’re working AGAINST it.

    …they HAVE to.

    Muslims, by definition, are traitors to the Constitution.

    Ilhan is no different.

    Read the Koran. Then you’ll know. They are SWORN to destroy all that is not Islam.

  3. joe6pak
    NOVEMBER 26, 2019 AT 12:33 AM
    “What the hell is it going to take for evil little bitches like this to see justice?”

    …Civil War, followed by Crusades.

    …it’s THAT bad…

  4. When do you suppose the (d)s will put her in the running for the nomination for President? She has ALL the qualifications they desire: hates America, hates infidels, hates “whites”, is greedy and crooked.


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