Ilhan Omar vastly outraised by primary rival ahead of August election – IOTW Report

Ilhan Omar vastly outraised by primary rival ahead of August election


A first-time candidate is grabbing attention after dramatically outraising high-profile Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar in his bid to defeat her in next month’s primary in Minnesota.

Omar – known nationally as one of the four members of the influential group of progressive first-term congresswomen known as “The Squad” – is considered the favorite in the Aug. 11 primary. This week she landed endorsements of some of the biggest names in politics – such as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont – who backed her on Wednesday.

Omar also enjoys the support of leading Minnesota Democrats, such as state House Speaker Melissa Hortman and Attorney General Keith Ellison. And she has the backing of local unions and the state party as she runs for a second two-year term representing Minnesota’s 5th Congressional District – which covers much of the city of Minneapolis and was ground zero for the nationwide protests sparked by the death of George Floyd at the hands of police.

But in the crucial battle for campaign cash, she’s been walloped by her main primary challenger, Antone Melton-Meaux.

The lawyer and mediator hauled in an eye-popping $3.2 million in the April-June quarter of fundraising, according to filings with the Federal Election Commission. That far surpassed Omar, who raised nearly half-a-million dollars during the same period of time. Melton-Meaux reported having $2 million in his campaign coffers as of the end of June, nearly double of Omar’s $1.1 million cash on hand. more

10 Comments on Ilhan Omar vastly outraised by primary rival ahead of August election

  1. what a blessing it would be to get rid of this hateful person

    but, then again, getting rid of any hateful d’rat would be a blessing … up to & including all of them

  2. It’s going to take more than money to overcome the voter fraud that is building. In an honest election we will kick their no good ass! However, we may get shellacked if voter fraud is not addressed and beaten back! I’m not the least bit comfortable going into this election. And money is not the issue. It is focusing on law and order, something that is not being taken seriously by anyone in power. Oh sure, Trump sent some feds in unmarked cars to Portland, big fucking deal! We are past time to kick a bunch of no good BLM/antifa asses! Do we want our country or not?!?!

  3. She only raised $500,000? So how did she pay her NEW husband over $900,000 from the campaign coffer? Oh yeah, other money from last year. Don’t worry the theives and scoundrels will put her back in because they love the controversy and hate American along with Omar. (OMAR wants to tear it all down, the system that elected her and everyone else. It seems like Sharia Law is all she wants for the USA)


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