Ilhan Omar’s Current Husband Spills the Tea – IOTW Report

Ilhan Omar’s Current Husband Spills the Tea


Reportedly telling people he was asked to pretend all is well in their marriage, that it’s true she was legally married to her brother

Legal Insurrection:

A man scorned?

It’s hard to keep track of the scandals surrounding Rep. Ilhan Omar, but the most recent (alleged) affair is nasty and looks to be growing worse — the one involving an alleged extra-marital affair between Rep. Omar and political consultant Tim Mynett.

Last week, a woman filing for divorce claimed Omar stole her husband, “according to Dr. Beth Jordan Mynett, her husband Tim Mynett told her in April of his affair with the congresswoman. He also “made a ‘shocking declaration of love’” for her.” Mary blogged about the whole ordeal here.

Omar dodged questions about the affair. In an extra twist, the National Legal and Policy Center filed a complaint with the FEC, alleging congressional campaign violations in relation to E Street Group Tim Mynett.

With their (alleged) dirty laundry strewn across national headlines, Rep. Omar’s current legal husband, Ahmed Hirsi and father of their three children, is no longer playing the role of dutiful and quiet husband. read more

h/t Flaming Hetero.

19 Comments on Ilhan Omar’s Current Husband Spills the Tea

  1. “Where did spill the tea come from?
    a term started in san antonio, texas in the very early 1990’s in the urban gay community. to spill the tea is to gossip. the term comes from the custom in the south of women who gather in the afternoon to drink tea and gossip.”

    What he says is coming from a ‘report’ of his saying it. I’m not trying to get sued because a ‘report’ was incorrect.

    Until he’s on record, like watching his lips flapping on video, it’s gossip.

  2. Liberalism is a black hole where all morally, truth, and ethics goes to die. Unfortunately it replaces virtue with these sub-human vermin spouting satanic evil with every sulfurous breath.

    Demonrats are the party of piss, poop, poverty, pedophilia, needles, and infanticide… that’s all you really need to know.

  3. MJA — It sorta makes you wonder, doesn’t it? Do muslims in America behave like smorgasbord Christians, take from their religion what they like and pass over what they don’t? In other words, is Omar manipulating Progressive whites to be outraged and supportive on her behalf when she, herself, mocks islam and her own so-called faith?

  4. The term “spill the beans” comes from the time of early Greek elections in secret societies in which members voted using light and dark colored beans. It came to mean to confess or let out a secret.

  5. Am I the only one who finds it a little curious that Margery Magill – a young woman who lived in the same neighborhood as Tim’s ex-wife, walked her dog in the same dog park as Tim’s ex-wife, and bore a striking resemblance to Tim’s ex-wife – was stabbed to death in that very same dog park by an Ethiopian immigrant two days after Tim’s ex-wife filed for divorce?

  6. This is a terribly interesting, but I do wonder if the MSM and the average American will actually PAY ATTENTION to this?

    Either way, good on her husband for finally beginning to tell the truth.


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