Ilhan Omar’s District Named Worst For Disparity – IOTW Report

Ilhan Omar’s District Named Worst For Disparity

PJ Media

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) represents the very worst congressional district for disparities between blacks and whites, according to a new study. Democrats represent the vast majority of the worst congressional districts for black Americans. President Donald Trump made news criticizing Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) for the poverty in his district, and his district is on the list. Interestingly, none of the other members of “The Squad” — Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y), Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.), and Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) — appeared on the list with Omar…

…A full 25 of the 30 [worst] districts [for disparity] are represented by Democrats. More

14 Comments on Ilhan Omar’s District Named Worst For Disparity

  1. The stupid mopes in that district think her skin color will ensure they’ll be represented. The dems who control the voting put their puppets in power to do as they’re told and has nothing to do with the concerns of the voters. It’ won’t change until they wake up and they’ll never wake up, they’re too stupid.

  2. Isn’t most of Omar’s district constituents, Somali jihadists and other African “refugees” Barry planted to globalized American cities? – they’re not black Americans, supported by taxpayer grants etc. The study does not seem to have considered the distinction.

    Still, no study needed to identify the effects of the socio-economic disparity caused by socialist policies implemented by Democrats.
    Poverty, welfare, homelessness, crime – particually black on black crime, drug cartels, abortion clinics, voter fraud, neglected, slumlord properties are hallmarks of all Democrat districts.

  3. Somalis and other refugees are supported by special refugee financial status provided by U.S. taxpayers. Definitely welfare, but they are not black Americans who have been subject to destructive manipulation by Democrats for decades. Cultural differences between Africans and black Americans are very evident.
    On top of that, black Americans have been on a path of self destruction that have compound their situation. President Trump has provided black Americans positive options some are considering and finally taking responsibility for themselves.

  4. uncle kink,

    the Squad is a direct result of Omama being POTUS. The Squad is just another Obama gift (the environment he created that allowed the Squad types to be elected) that will keep giving for generations.

  5. Omar represents the 5th district of Minnesota, which includes all of Minneapolis and some of its surrounding bedroom communities. It is +26 democrat, considered the bluest district not just in MN but the upper mid-west.

    It is 67% white, 17% black the rest Asian, Hispanic and Native American.

    I think one could safely conclude that radical Israel hating and utterly corrupt Omar owes her seat more to dum-dum democrats of all races in her district more so than to any racial block voting.

  6. It matters not. She has a paltry 9% approval rating in her own district, and 90% donor contributions from outside her district, according to FEC reports.

    Neither Omar, AOC, Tlaib and to a lesser degree, Ayanna “Weave” Pressley are funded by their constituents. Same with Stacey “they stole the election” Abrams of Ga.

    Unfortunately, their constituents are too dumb and lazy to do anything about it.

  7. 99 SQUAD

    She was brought here by BHO’s bff GHWBush!

    No question Bush was a liberal liar; but he was a GOP liberal! Not a far left as his son, also BFF of GHO, but a leftist liar none the less!


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