Ill-Educated Illegals Cost America Billions – IOTW Report

Ill-Educated Illegals Cost America Billions

As if we needed a study to tell us that illegals are a drain on our resources, but now we have one.

Illegals are ill-educated and are a net loss to our economy. They use more resources than they pay for.

Every illegal will cost an average American citizen $75,000 over their lifetime. The good news is this can be rectified.

It’s called A F*CKING WALL.

Trump’s wall will SAVE US MONEY!!

And for the counter-argument, this moronic libertarian—>

ht/ C. Steven Tucker

15 Comments on Ill-Educated Illegals Cost America Billions

  1. I find it very hard to believe that the cost is only $75K.

    California spends billions — every year — on illegals. And, now, much of their infrastructure (not to mention the Oroville Dam) is in disarray.

    The American taxpayer is not a free, unlimited milkshake tree. …Lady in Red

  2. i’ve been seeing this everywhere for thirty years:

    “Caution, please do not leave valuables inside car. There has been a rash of break-ins in the area.”

    A rash. A f@@king thirty-year open sore is more like it.

  3. The ones brought here “legally” by church groups and such probably cost as much, if not more.
    They might not be proficient in English, but they are well-educated experts when it comes to getting the freebies.

    Please, President Trump, make it stop.

  4. The WSJ reported last year that about 1/3 of tax units (families) carried their weight in taxes.

    You have to be affluent to be among that set of people; or single.

    The fraction of blacks and hispanics in that set? I could not find the data, but who would guess it is above a couple of percent?

    It insults our current minority populations to think invaders will be better contributors, in my mind. They will be burdens, on average.

  5. It isnt the doctors,nurses or scientists running across the border. Even immigrant groups admit most illegals cant read or even write Spanish……they can only speak it. A level of education less than American 3rd grade. I guess the dems like this because the lack of education guarantees they believe liberal lies

  6. This is nothing more than Cloward-Piven on steroids!
    It’s been around since the Sixties. Just ask Francis Piven. The bitch is still alive and was part of Jeramiah Wrights “God-Damn America”-Hating Marxist Muzlim Mallard’s first administration.
    Bring down America by overloading the system.
    It’s waaay past time to shut off the spigot!
    Wanna eat?
    Work for it… legally!
    Like the rest of the hard-working, over-taxed-paying Americans that have to support yer ass!!!

  7. If the wall were to cost $200B, it would still pay for itself in less than 2 years. IDGAF how much it costs, BUILD THE FUCKING WALL NOW!!!!
    Oh, and Mexico WILL PAY FOR IT 100%. Stop all wire transfers out of the USA PERIOD.

  8. BB; Good article the other day on the oroville dam written i think by Katy Grimes. She said brown spends $24 BILLION on illegals a year!!! Ever see THAT on the local news?
    BTW she has been exposing this stuff for years, not that it does any good.

  9. a non a moose,

    I follow her and Megan on ReaganBaby FB. I think Megan just got her own show on Newsmax. But you’re right she does great work especially on California. Her La Raza connection with the schools and our law makers was spot on.

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