Illegal Alien Acquitted of Murdering Kate Steinle Sues Feds for ‘Vindictive Prosecution’ – IOTW Report

Illegal Alien Acquitted of Murdering Kate Steinle Sues Feds for ‘Vindictive Prosecution’

Breitbart: Jose Inez Garcia-Zarate, the illegal alien acquitted last year of murdering 32-year-old Kate Steinle in July 2015, has sued the federal government, demanding that it produce documents “pertaining to vindictive prosecution and collusion” with the state government in its prosecution against him.

In November, a San Francisco jury found Garcia-Zarate not guilty of murdering Steinle, agreeing that although he had the gun from which the fatal shot was fired, the discharge could have been accidental.

The jury did convict Garcia-Zarate of felony possession of a weapon. He had seven previous felony convictions and had been deported five times before finding “sanctuary” on the streets of San Francisco, a noted “sanctuary city.”

The federal government immediately issued a warrant for Garcia-Zarate’s arrest for violating the terms of his 2015 federal prison release. It then charged him with federal crimes — “for being a felon in possession of a firearm and ammunition, and for being an illegally present alien in possession of a firearm and ammunition.”

As reported by, Garcia-Zarate is alleging “that federal agencies colluded with the San Francisco police, district attorney’s office and sheriff’s office” and that he is being subjected to double jeopardy — being tried for the same crime twice.  more here

26 Comments on Illegal Alien Acquitted of Murdering Kate Steinle Sues Feds for ‘Vindictive Prosecution’

  1. “And judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter.”


    I cannot wait to find out which leftist group put him up to this, and the team of scumbag lawyers representing him.

  2. Someone. Anyone. PLEASE. For humanity’s sake. Make this verminous pest disappear. Just. Disappear. I don’t care if it’s at the bottom of the ocean 5 miles offshore. Or at the bottom of a 10 foot deep hole. By this point, it’s not murder. Do we consider it murder to inoculate against a virus? Is it murder to shoot a rabid dog?

  3. Scariest part about all this isn’t that lawless scum use this murderer to score political points against Trump and his supporters (the real target here, make no mistake) because there’s nothing new with that tactic. The scariest part is that an increasing number of people are willing to listen and seriously consider the case that will be made on the murder’s behalf. That automatically grants him more rights than the woman he murdered — she can make no appeal.

    No nation can survive that intact. And probably shouldn’t.

  4. “…… illegally present alien in possession of a firearm and ammunition.” Hmm, sounds like a foreign invader to me. This phook needs 230 grains at approximately 900 fps right behind the ear.

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  5. He fired the bullet at the concrete ground twenty feet away; that pretty much guarantees a ricochet off the ground into whatever happens to be in that general direction…in this case the family of Kate Steinle out enjoying the sights; it also guarantees the flattening of the bullet into a jagged projectile, still traveling at killing speed.
    It was murder, or at least he was hoping for terrible maiming.

  6. Seems the San Fran loons, from the mayor/city council to the judiciary, are steadfast in their belief that all illegals are worth protecting, no matter the risk of more deaths…. just not their own.
    Hand the POS a gun, blindfold the lawyers and line them up against the courthouse wall. Let’s test their courage and commitment. Until one of theirs is murdered, this nonsense will continue.
    How much money’s already been wasted on this scum? Where’s the outrage from the taxpayers?

  7. “use their own laws against them”

    this is an act of social sabotage or social terror.

    what are all the law abiding citizens to think about the government letting this piece of crap run free then turn around and sue the citizens for his inconvenience ?

    they should think if this is truly the message they want to send out into the general public.

    how much more lawlessness will be triggered and have to be endured by the citizens because of this murderer being let free ?

  8. Kinda makes you wonder why the Mensheviks … uhh … sorry … the “Republicrats” aren’t making hay out of this, doesn’t it?

    “Silence is Consent?” Not so much “… doth protest too much, methinks …” as “… doth not protest AT ALL, methinks …”

    Complicit fuckin cocksuckers. There are sins of commission, AND sins of omission.

    You either support America or you don’t.
    You either support the “rule of law” or you don’t.
    You either support the Constitution or you don’t.
    You either support the Bill of Rights or you don’t.
    Kate Steinle either had a right to live or she didn’t – there is no middle ground.

    Illegal-alien invading rat-people ARE illegal!
    Illegal-alien invading rat-people ARE invading!
    Illegal-alien invading rat-people ARE rat-people!

    You either assist the invasion, or you resist it – there is NO middle ground.

    What the limeys call the Division Bell has rung – time to choose.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Dude needs to have a quiet and lethal accident somewhere.

    Y’all ought to check out his flesh-eating lawyers. Tony Serra is 83 and has defended a veritable rogue’s gallery, like Huey Newton and Earth-Firster moll Judi Bari.
    Maria Belyi is apparently his protege and is a “native Russian speaker”. Make of that what you will. Whatever. It was important enough for the firm that hired her to highlight it.

  10. I must admit, if the honorable, patriotic, oath keeping, street soldiers of The Party are going to kill my dog and abduct my children, just for giggles, while stealing my car, my house, and everything else they have me for on a list… I’d rather somebody other than the apparatchicks who spent a decade serving The Party to “full release” and then claim they were “sexually harassed” into full pay retirement, but they still deserve a “little moar sumpin’ sumpin'”. But that’s just me.

  11. TO BAD

    OJ was a multi millionaire -“deep pockets”. OJ was very rich; this guy is probably very poor. To go after him would be both a was of : time, + money!

  12. No doubt, this was all a tragedy. The worse tragedy is how incredibly racist, sexist, small-minded and ignorant all these comments are… It’s a shite state to be American. All of you fucking fools don’t see that WE’RE the problem, go back to your own countries – England, Ireland, Italy, etc. You white fuck folks are a stain on the face of humanity. Uttlerly disgusted by your redneck racists.

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