Illegal alien activists pressure Greyhound to break federal law – IOTW Report

Illegal alien activists pressure Greyhound to break federal law

BPR: It isn’t enough for liberals to personally advocate law-breaking. They want to force others to join them.

Pro-illegal immigration lawyers with the American Civil Liberties Union are urging Greyhound Lines to stop letting federal official perform immigration raids on their buses without a warrant, the Associated Press reports.

Affiliates of the Civil Liberties Union from 10 different states sent a letter to the bus company that accused federal agents of targeting people based on their race and ethnicity.  more here


16 Comments on Illegal alien activists pressure Greyhound to break federal law

  1. Like izlam and socialism, it isn’t enough to be depraved – one must make all effort to spread the complicity of depravity to the silent and the innocent.

    Thus: “The more innocent they are, the more they deserve to die.”
    (Brecht – commenting on the innocent victims of Stalin)

    The sinners of Sodom and Gomorrah weren’t content to sin amongst themselves – they insisted that ALL participate in their sins. Seems to be one of the earmarks of totalitarian (if not Satanic) thought. Socialists and izlamics are of the same mentality – they are unable to contain themselves to their sins and abominations – they must spread those sins and abominations to every part of the Earth.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Illegal aliens aren’t citizens so they should not enjoy any of the rights of a citizen. A warrant only applies to people in the country legally. Shouldn’t even be an argument over it.

  3. IMHO – this is the camel’s nose to snoop on ANY traveler in the US. The lib-ruls will LOVE it – all the cis-humans will have to present ID papers and the rest are excused already….

  4. American Civil Liberties Union, here’s a clue. Greyhound is a private company doing business on public roads paid largely in part by united states taxpayers who have existing laws against illegal immigration as does every country in the world, including Mexico. To advocate illegal actions is at least immoral and at most criminal. If subversion of existing law is not criminal then it damn well should be.

  5. So, privately owned Greyhound runs public transportation, as does Southwest and all American airlines, as does Amtrack, and tour busses and tour boats, etc.

    So, if ILLEGALS and libs insist on warrants, let’s just get TSA on the front end of boarding or ticket purchasing. See how the ILLEGALS like that!


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